Page 139 of Seductive Temptation

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The strip club was clean, but not clean enough for me to feel comfortable taking a quick shower in the girl’s locker room. There was glitter on every inch of my skin, but it would just have to stay there until I was back home.

I changed out of the risqué costume from today’s shoot and threw on a floral print romper and sandals. I left my makeup on since I was planning on finding somewhere nearby to grab some dinner before hitting the road back to San Jose.

Lani and I talked amongst ourselves as we headed back out into the bar area.

“I can’t believe you drive back and forth from SJ,” she said. “I come from Pacific Heights and almost die at the amount of traffic I have to muck through!”

I laughed. “I like road trips. The open highway, the mountains in the distance, it gives me time to clear my cluttered brain, especially because I have so much going on in my life right now.” Like being one month’s rent away from being flat broke.

She nodded understandingly. “Girl, I so get it.”

The bright stage lights had been shut off, leaving only a few of the main lights on. It felt colder in here now and I couldn’t wait to leave.

“Well, I should be going,” I said to Lani. “I’ll see you at the next shoot.”

She waved. “See you next time. Good luck getting all that glitter off!”

I bypassed Leonard and Jase at the bar, where they were staring intently at a camera screen, and stepped outside. The sun was well below the horizon by now, so the streetlights had kicked on. Nighttime was coming, and so was cooler weather. Thank goodness. Sweating glitter didn’t even begin to sound fun.

A few people walked by, giving me strange looks. With the glitter and the dramatic makeup, they probably thought I was one of the dancers here. Well, screw them. If I was, I wouldn’t be ashamed of it. As long as you were supporting yourself in a way that didn’t hurt anybody, who really cared?

I stopped walking a few feet away from the club to dig my keys out of my purse. I was parked at the end of the block and wanted to have them out just in case I needed to quickly get in the car. Finding them, I took a few steps forward only to be stopped by a familiar voice.

“Hey, wait up a second!”

I turned around and watched as Jase jogged toward me. He looked good in jeans and a fitted white V-neck shirt. A drastic change from the little shorts he wore not twenty minutes ago.

I suppressed a smile, remembering how visible his dick print was.

“What’s up?” I asked when he came to a stop in front of me.

“I wanted to catch you before you left and see if I could maybe take you out to dinner?”

I stared at him in surprise. Dinner? With him? Actually, sharing a meal would be the tamest thing we’d done in the short amount of time we’d known one another.

“Um, yeah, sure,” I responded. “Where were you thinking?”

“There’s a cool spot a few blocks over,” he said. “They’ve got a little bit of everything on the menu and the food is hella good.”

My stomach rumbled at just the thought of eating.

“Let’s go, then. I’m so hungry, my stomach is threatening to barbeque my ribs!”

Clutching his chest, he threw back his head and laughed.

“You…you can tell you’re not from around here,” he said in between bouts of laughter.

I shook my head in humor. “Since the place is only a few blocks away, let me just drop my things off at my car and we can walk over.”

Still chuckling, Jase nodded and followed me to my car. We then walked the two and a half blocks to the restaurant in an awkward silence, which confused me because if he had been ballsy enough to ask me to dinner, then why was he suddenly playing shy? I got the impression that Jase Reynolds had an aggressive side, but it didn’t come out in certain settings. Perhaps I should find out what settings it did come out in…

“Table for two, please,” Jase said, interrupting my wayward thoughts. We stood in the small reception area of Dev’s Dinner Spot. It was a small establishment, but it was decorated nicely and there was a decent number of patrons in here, which told me the food was good.

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