Page 62 of Dirty Ballistics

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Declan’s heart slammed against his chest.

Where the fuck was she?

“Code yellow,” the operator’s voice burst through the hospital overhead intercom system. “Code yellow. Intensive Care Unit. African-American female. Five feet—”

Declan brushed past the people and exited the room. He turned and found Mac and his team stalking toward him. People in the unit automatically cleared the hallway at the sight of the pissed-off cops. They were all still dressed in their black fatigues, their badges dangling from around their necks, and they each were armed, their weapons strapped to their waists.

The Columbia SWAT team was a formidable team and wasn’t to be taken lightly.

“What the hell happened?” Mac barked.

“I don’t know. Her entire bed is gone, and the agent is being worked on by the doctors.” Declan ran a trembling hand through his hair. He gave a quick recount of what he’d seen in the room.

“Whoever took her can’t be far,” Ash said, folding his arms across his chest.

“Shouldn’t there be other security here?” Iker asked, looking around the nursing unit.

“Who the hell knows.” Declan shook his head. There should have been. Aspen was a high-profile witness, and there should have been more.

He should have been at her side.

Visions of Aspen’s wide grin came to mind. He was flooded with images of her naked brown skin against his and her beneath him. The feel of her plump lips pressing against his when he kissed her still haunted him.

He needed her and he’d be damned if someone would take her.

He turned to Mac who placed a strong hand on his shoulder as if reading his thoughts. Mac understood what he was going through. It wasn’t too long ago they were in each other’s shoes.

“We’ll find her,” Mac assured him. He squeezed Declan’s shoulder before turning to the sound of people rushing toward them.

The hospital security had arrived.

Declan took one look at the group and glanced at Zain who cocked his eyebrow in disbelief.

This was security?

Four members of the hospital security team, in identical uniforms of light-blue button-down shirt and dark pants, came strolling through the nursing unit. They were led by an aging, overweight man who appeared as if he gave up on taking care of himself years ago. The other members consisted of a kid who barely looked as though he’d reached puberty, a middle-aged black woman whose glasses perched on the tip of her nose, and a tall, lanky man who seemed like he’d rather be anywhere else than in the hospital.

“You boys sure do show up fast. I’m Bob Smyth,” the older man announced, stopping in front of them.

Mac stepped forward and shook the man’s hand.

“I’m Sergeant MacArthur from Columbia SWAT. We just happened to be here and we’re willing to help,” Mac said.

Declan knew he’d used the word ‘help’, but what he really meant was that they would take the lead. This band of security guards would be no match for the men who’d taken Aspen.

Gatheredin the hospital’s emergency command center, they made plans of how to find Aspen. Thanks to the hospital security cameras, the entire scene of Aspen’s kidnapping had been recorded. The sight of her being taken fueled his rage. Declan went through the motions of preparing himself for this search-and-recovery.

This time, it was personal for him.

The situation had been called in to the station. Mac had spoken to the captain and notified him of the situation, and their team was officially activated. With them already at the hospital, their gear was brought to them from the station. Each member of the SWAT team was suited up and ready.

Declan gripped his MP5 and slapped his helmet on. He was ready to go after Aspen.

I’m coming, baby.

They had watched the CCTV videos a few times, and the scenes were permanently engrained in his memory. The guard, now admitted to the hospital, was seen being taken by surprise. The hallway had been cleared when a man with a surgical mask in place to hide his face, dressed in scrubs, walked behind him. The man hit the unsuspecting guard in the back of the head with his weapon, rendering him unconscious. He dragged the agent into Aspen’s room and shut the door. What happened in the room, they were unable to see, but Declan had been a witness to the aftermath.

Declan watched in stark horror, a sedated Aspen being wheeled from her room and down the hallway without anyone questioning where the masked man was taking her.

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