Page 39 of Dirty Ballistics

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Declan’s sharp eyes lingered on her. They softened the longer they stared at each other. Even with the shadow of the bruising appearing on his face, she thought he was the most handsome man she’d ever met. She reached out and cupped his jaw. His shadow of a beard prickled against her hand. “If this was any other time—”

“What are you going to do? Keep moving her from city to city, hiding her?” Declan snapped, turning his attention to Ball.

“That’s exactly what we are going to do. My job is to make sure that she stays alive and can testify.”

“And after she does that, then what?”

Her breath caught in her throat at Declan’s question.

She already knew what she would do. She couldn’t live her life forever staying in protective custody. This was no way to live her life. The money they provided her with wasn’t enough to live off of. With her bleak work history, the only jobs she would qualify for would offer minimum wage.

No. She couldn’t continue her life like that.

She’d been a damn good accountant and always planned for the what-ifs. She’d taken her own money and hid it far away, and no one had a clue. The government never knew that she’d taken enough of her own money that she’d received from her parents when she’d graduated from college and hid it in offshore accounts.

Aspen had always had a plan. Testify, see her family one last time, and disappear. Ray had ties to dangerous men, and once they found out she was alive, they’d go after her. She’d never be safe here in the States.

She’d have to relocate to another country. Anything to ensure she was safe, she’d be willing to do it, and if starting life on a different continent was the only way, she’d do that, too.

“After she testifies, we’ll hide her deep. She’ll receive a new identity and will live a quiet life.”

Declan ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes. She stared at him, torn. Her heart was breaking watching the frustration appear on his face.

“She doesn’t have to leave yet,” Declan stated. He stood and paced the floor, concentrating on something unseen.

“If you have forgotten, she and you were attacked in a public area. Someone knows she’s alive. We have to move her. Tonight.”

Aspen jumped at the news they were wanting to relocate her tonight. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. They usually moved her under the cover of darkness. She should be used to it by now, but this time, she was losing someone she had come to care for.

“I can protect her.” Declan stopped and faced Marshal Ball.

Aspen’s breath caught in her throat at the look on Declan’s face. He had slipped into his fierce SWAT officer role, and she had no doubt he would never let anything happen to her.

“You and what army? This is more than the local boys in blue can handle.”

“You know I’m more than qualified. Me and my men can protect her,” Declan snapped. He stalked up to Marshal Ball and glared at him.

“You and your men don’t have clearance—”

“You can deputize me,” Declan interrupted Ball, who paused. “I’m law enforcement and fit the criteria to be deputized.”

Aspen held her breath, wanting what Declan offered, but yet she didn’t want to drag him into the middle of this chaos. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if something were to happen to him.

“This isn’t something to take lightly, Sergeant. There is paperwork to fill out, and your captain would have to sign off on this.”

“He already has. Captain Spook has friends in high places. Just don’t take her away tonight.”

Aspen stood from her seat, her heart racing. She wiped her sweaty hands on her pants and walked over to Declan. She placed a hand on his arm and stood by him.

“Please. He and his men are good. We wouldn’t have to move at all. Between the marshals and the local police, I’ll be well protected. I just can’t move again,” she pleaded.

“One more night, and if this doesn’t go through, we are gone.”

Chapter 15

“Thanks.” Declan took the duffle bag from Marshal Williams and shut the door. He turned and leaned back against it, hearing the sink run in the en suite bathroom. He swiveled his gaze around the room and took in the queen-size bed, the simple decor of a nightstand and dresser. Thick drapes covered the windows, blocking out the world.

The sound of a click broke through the silence. Aspen appeared in the doorway. She froze and returned his stare. He took in the dark areas beneath her eyes. She looked drained. He was still in disbelief that she was a woman in hiding waiting to testify against one of the most dangerous men in history.

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