Page 33 of Dirty Ballistics

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They both jumped at his tone and put away their weapons. Cruz, appearing to be new, struggled to get his notepad and pen out while Reeves shot him an impatient look.

“May we get the female’s name, please?” Officer Reeves asked Declan.

“Aspen. Aspen Hale,” Aspen replied, clearing her throat. Her hands grew sweaty as her nerves rose.

Where were the US Marshals?

“And may I ask why you were at the zoo?” Cruz asked, scribbling in his notepad.

“Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck you think we were doing here?” Declan growled.

The two officer’s eyes widened at his snarl. Aspen held back a smirk at their reactions.

Well, duh.They were just leaving the zoo. What did he think people did at the zoo?

“Sorry. So were you leaving or coming to the zoo?” Cruz asked.

“Leaving,” Declan replied. He was not even trying to hide his irritation.

Aspen began to feel sorry for the young cop with the way Declan was glaring at him.

“Please describe what happened?” Officer Reeves cut in.

Declan blew out a deep breath and began to recount the story of them leaving the zoo. She leaned her head against his arm as he told their story. When it came to the part about shooting the man, Aspen’s heart lodged in her throat. Did Declan just sayheshot him?

“So you shot the man?” Reeves asked, asking for clarification.

“No, you didn’t. I did.” Aspen shook her head. She didn’t want him to get in any trouble for this. If anyone was to pay for shooting the thug, it would be her.

Aspen’s gaze landed on the EMTs lifting a stretcher with the body of the man she’d shot. She swallowed hard, tearing her eyes from the sight of them pulling a white sheet over his face. The other thugs were handcuffed and led to a black van.

This madness needed to end soon, but even after she testified against Ray, her life would still not be what it used to be.

She turned back and caught the two officers glancing at her.

Declan gently turned her to him. His eyes searched hers.

“I think you may be having some memory deficit from the attack. I think you hit your head when he dragged you from the car. I shot the man,” Declan said slowly.

“We’re going to need both of you to come down to the station,” Officer Reeves announced.

“Is this really necessary?” Declan said.

“Sergeant, you know the routine. This involved a shooting with an off-duty officer. Both of you will need to come to the precinct for official statements and questioning.” Officer Reeves snapped his notebook shut and returned Declan’s stare. “And Sergeant, we will need to confiscate your weapon. Standard protocol.”

“Fine. But we go together,” Declan agreed. He released the clip before handing the weapon to the officer. Declan dropped both into the evidence bag for them to secure it.

Reeves nodded and motioned for them to accompany them to a squad car. Declan entwined his fingers with hers and walked alongside her. Aspen was relieved that she wasn’t going to be put in handcuffs. She glanced over at Declan’s face and knew he wouldn’t have taken her being put in the restraints well. A little tick in his jaw jumped.

There were so many people in the parking lot. People taking pictures of the scene, people putting number signs down by evidence. Even Declan’s car was being processed. A growl vibrated from his chest when he got a look at his car.

“Hold on. Where do you think you’re going?” a familiar voice spoke up from behind them.

They paused, turning to look at the newcomer.

The feds had arrived.

“I’m US Marshal Elliot Ball. What in the hell happened here?” Ball barked, flashing his credentials.

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