Page 9 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 5

Mac knew one thing. He wanted Sarena. He was no longer able to hold back. He knew that his job wasn’t easy for any woman to accept.

Loving a cop was hard.

Loving a SWAT officer was damn near impossible.

He was on call for twenty-fours a day with rare occasions off. He was always put in dangerous situations that most spouses had a hard time dealing with. Many women couldn’t stomach the thought that one night they may get a call that their loved one might not return to them.

He’d come home from the Navy knowing that he wanted to continue his duty of protection of the public. Signing up for the Columbia Police Department was second nature. It only made sense for him to apply for SWAT once he’d joined the force and made his way up the ranks to commanding his own team.

Finding love just wasn’t in the cards for him.

His job was to put his life on the line for civilians and his brothers and sisters in blue.

True SWAT put themselves in danger without a second thought, and he’d bled for his men.

He couldn’t offer Sarena much. He wouldn’t make her any promises. Maybe after they’d fucked a few times, he’d get her out of his system.

Who am I kidding?

One didn’t get a woman like Sarena Rucker out of their system. A woman like her soaked into your pores and became a part of you. She was the kind of woman who could bring him to his knees.

And that scared him shitless.

He stared down at his cell phone as he sat back in his recliner in his living room. He’d gotten her cell phone number during the background check and had held on to it.

He sent her a quick text. Dinner at my place tonight?

Who is this? Her reply was almost immediate.


His phone rang with her name flashing across the screen. He bit back a chuckle and answered it.


“How’d you get my number?” Her husky tone came through the line.

His cock grew stiff at the sound of her voice. Last night, when he’d approached her on her porch, his feet had moved on autopilot. He hadn’t even known what he was doing until he had reached her porch.

Her soft caramel skin made his fingers itch to touch her. She’d been relaxed and well into a few cups. Had she not been slightly tipsy, he would have had her then. But no, he wanted to ensure she remembered their first, second, eighth time together.

“I have my ways.” He leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips at her sass. He would love to draw out her feisty nature in the bedroom. Just imagining her flirting with him in nothing but her heels, on her knees in front of him, got him rock hard.

“So you are asking me out on a date?” she asked.

“I don’t date,” he automatically replied. He wasn’t going to lie to her. He didn’t date around. The women he had been involved with in the past had known what they were getting into with him. He knew that Sarena was different but he could no longer stay away from her.

“So just dinner?”

“I’m not going to lie to you, Sarena. I want you,” he stated. He wouldn’t sugarcoat anything with her. He heard the slight catch of her breath and wanted to ensure that if he was going to take this step that it would be on his terms.

A small shred of doubt entered his mind. Would she turn him down? Would she prefer the likes of Brodie to him? The memory of her throwing his teammate a smile came to mind. She was probably looking for romance, flowers, and a happy ever after—the shit he didn’t do.

He scowled knowing that those things weren’t him. There was one thing he knew he could promise her—unbridled passion, screaming orgasms, and sexual satisfaction.

“What time do you want me there?”

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