Page 5 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 3

Sarena rushed over to the nursing station of the emergency room. They had received the notification from the EMTs that they were bringing in a cop who had been shot in the line of duty. Tension was heightened in the emergency room as they waited for the injured cop to arrive.

Just the thought that the cop being brought in could be her neighbor had her heart seemingly lodged in her throat. Her team was ready and prepared. Even the physicians were waiting for their new patient to arrive.

The EMTs appeared, wheeling in a large man decked out in black, cursing to the high heavens.

A sigh went around the emergency room. If he was fussing and cussing, he’d be okay.

The EMTs pushed his gurney over to one of the stalls then drew the curtain, leaving the glass door open.

Samantha, one of the techs, disappeared behind the curtains to get first vitals. The curses grew louder as she made her way toward the cop. The EMTs came from behind the curtain

“Give us a second.” Sarena motioned for the resident to hold off going over there. She strode to the area, determined to get him under control first. She had much respect for the boys in blue and would be damned if one would come in her emergency department causing a ruckus.

“I know you are not coming into my E.R, cursing and disrespecting my nursing staff,” she barked as she flung the curtain back. Her gaze connected with the officer, and she made sure she showed that she wasn’t afraid of him.

“No, ma’am,” he growled, sitting up on the side of the gurney.

She moved near the gurney and motioned for Samantha to hand her the blood pressure cuff. “I got this, Samantha. Close the door behind you.”

Samantha’s eyes were wide with fear, and she backed away quickly and disappeared behind the curtain.

“Let me guess, you don’t want to be here?” Sarena asked, cocking an eyebrow.

His scowl increased as he looked her up and down. She could see a bit of respect in his eyes since she wasn’t backing down from him. She knew cops could be stubborn, but she wasn’t going to take any shit from him and if she had to, she’d force him to allow her to take his vitals.

“I’m fine. The bullet hit me in the vest. Go save someone else’s life—”

“You will stay where you are,” a deep baritone voice sounded from behind Sarena.

Her heart leaped, and she paused.

“That’s an order.”

She turned and met the eyes of Marcas MacArthur. He was still dressed in his tactical gear. Her gaze took in SWAT brandished across his vest. His face still had smudges of black on it, and she itched to be able to reach up and rub it off.

He was even larger in life standing next to her. She swallowed hard while trying to hide his effect on her.

“Bed,” she ordered, turning back to find the other cop trying to get off the gurney. She narrowed her eyes on him, still holding the blood pressure cuff in her hand.

He let loose a deep sigh and sat back down on the bed.

“I didn’t need help,” she said, glancing at Marcas.

“Sure you didn’t.” He snorted.

“Want me to leave?” The guy on the gurney made to move again. His eyebrows were raised, and he looked between the two of them.

“So help me, if you move from that gurney again, I will strap you down,” she threatened.

“Never had to have a woman threaten to get me in the bed before.” The guy chuckled, a smile lighting up his features.

His face completely changed with the smile. She could instantly see the sex appeal and knew that some woman would instantly be infatuated with him. Unfortunately, it was the man behind her who had her gut tied up in knots.

“Watch it, Dec,” Marcas growled.

A shiver slid down her spine at the sound of his voice dropping low.

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