Page 46 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 18

Mac let loose a curse as bullets flew past him. It seemed as if their cover had been blown the minute they’d entered the building. With their carefully laid plans going to Hell, Declan had called in the other law enforcement agencies to breech the building.

There was no way the Demon Lords would be getting away tonight.

Mac slowed his gait and paused at the end of the hallway and held up his hand. Declan arrived at his side and motioned for the team to hold. Ashton, Zain, Iker, and Brodie lined up behind him with their guns poised ready.

They were deep in the building having made their way beneath the earth’s surface. According to their intelligence, the females being held against their will would be in the lower level of the building.

He carefully peeked around the corner. A few thugs ran from a room where feminine screams echoed from. They disappeared around another corner, leaving Mac to go ahead and signal his men to move. In their practiced precision, the back of their line went first. Brodie strode past with his weapon drawn.

Mac waited for his turn as the rest of the team went ahead of him, allowing him to pull up the rear. They made their way down the hallway in tight formation. He moved to the front of the line as they headed to the entrance.

They stormed into the room, and what they found had the bottom of Mac’s stomach falling out. He scanned for armed gang members, but there were none. The room was only filled with women chained to the walls. The smell in there was horrid; it reeked of musk, urine, and feces.

Curses echoed around him, and his team slowly crept inside, trying not to scare the women. Brodie and Iker manned the exit as they all took in the women.

“We’re not going to be able to stay here long,” Ashton remarked, aiming his gun outside the door.

“Call it in,” Mac uttered to Declan.

They would notify the FBI where the women were, but as his gaze roamed the room, he didn’t see Sarena. He pulled out his phone and brought up a photograph of Sarena that her mother had sent him. He walked around the room trying to find at least one woman who had seen her. Most were too traumatized and scrambled away from him. He growled, trying to hold his shit together.

“Calm down, Mac. These women have been through some shit and don’t need another man barking at them,” Declan snapped at him, tugging him away from a few who were cowering in their corners.

Mac blew out a deep breath knowing his friend was right. These women would have to wait until the other enforcement agencies could come in and unchain them. The Feds would lead them out of the building safely. He turned and caught a woman with curious eyes staring at him. He slowly made his way to her.

“Have you seen this woman?” he asked quietly, stooping down next to her with his phone out so she could see it.

Her eyes turned to his phone and recognition flared in them. She jerked her head in a nod. Beneath the grime and dirt, she would be a pretty woman. The bags under her eyes spoke volumes. He didn’t even want to know what horrors she’d be through. He’d probably lose his shit, just imagining if the same had happened to Sarena in the short time she’d been missing.

“Two of the guards came and grabbed her,” she whispered, clearing her throat. Her wide eyes were filled with fear as they flickered around the room taking in his men who were trying to calm the other women down. “She was kept over there. She was a newbie.”

“Where do they take the women?” he asked, trying to rein in his emotions. Snarling at her wouldn’t get him the answers. She was a victim, just like his Sarena.

“To the boss. Once they go there, they don’t come back,” she replied with wider eyes.

“Where do they go?”

Her eyes filled with tears, and the floor of his stomach gave way. She shook her head, and the tears flowed down her cheeks. Her lowered eyes had him wanting to unload his clip into a Demon Lord.

He knew the answer.

He released a curse and stood, searching for Declan. He moved to his friend’s side.

“They took her from here,” he growled.

Declan turned to him and let loose a curse.

A feeling of helpless slowly crept into Mac’s chest. “She was here. They’re moving her. What if he—”

“Don’t think it. We’ll get her,” Declan barked, his eyes narrowed on Mac. His hand shot out and grabbed Mac’s shoulder, bringing Mac back to reality as his imagination tried to run riot. “We’ll bring her home.”

“Brodie and Iker, you’re here with the women until the Feds can get in here. Then you join us,” Mac snapped, moving toward the door.

His team mates would follow his lead. It took just his friend’s reassurance to bring the alpha leader in him back to the forefront. He could not lose his shit. Sarena needed him. “Declan, Ashton, and Zain, you’re with me.”

“Copy that,” Iker replied.

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