Page 38 of Dirty Tactics

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“We need to know who was arrested that night, who’s in prison, and who is out,” Mac growled, catching the file that Cameron slid across the table.

“That night the Demon Lords was almost crippled. We almost knocked out one of the key members of the gang. Cost him almost a million dollars in weapons and narcotics,” Cameron said.

“But why would someone target Mac’s woman? There were agents from all agencies that night,” Declan stated.

Mac opened the file and flipped through the photos of gang members who had been arrested that night as Declan and Cameron spoke. Their conversation faded off in the background, and he paused his hand on one photo and felt the bottom of his stomach give way.

It was the mugshot of the man Mac had trained his MP5 on. The man’s malicious eyes that stared at him from the photo were all too familiar. The target had brandished a weapon, and Mac hadn’t hesitated in pulling his trigger.

Trevor Tyree had left the raid in a black body bag.

Mac read the list of known associates of Trevor Tyree and let loose a curse.

He now knew why Sarena was being targeted.

“What is it?” Declan’s voice broke through Mac’s memories.

The leader of the Demon Lords was one Silas Tyree, the cousin of Trevor Tyree.

The man who had been in Sarena’s yard wasn’t the real Silas. The man had thrown out the name as a warning to Mac. He was just the messenger, and Mac had basically put a X on Sarena’s forehead by claiming her in front of him. Had he not come over to them, the messenger would have just hit on her while he was scouting out Mac’s home and left.

Instead, he’d gone back to his leader and informed Silas Tyree of something that could be used against him.


Silas Tyree was coming for Mac, and he knew the gangster wouldn’t think twice about using a woman to get to the cop who had killed his cousin.

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