Page 37 of Dirty Tactics

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“Something like that. Look, she means something to me, man. I’m not sure what, but she does.” He let loose a deep sigh. He was in no mood to argue with his longtime friend. He knew Sarena had impressed Declan during their meeting in the emergency room.

“That’s all I need to know. I’ll speak with Cameron and see what he finds out. I doubt that this is random.”

“I know it’s not. No way,” Mac snapped.

He disconnected the call and finished off his water. He tossed the bottle in his recycle bin then headed back upstairs. There was no way the Demon Lords would be getting their hands on Sarena. The minute he went into the station, they would work on finding out how the Demon Lords knew of Sarena.

The image of Silas in her driveway was the key. He hadn’t been lost. Mac was willing to bet he had been sent to scope out the neighborhood and Sarena was just an innocent bystander.

But if Mac was the target, then they had a leak in the station. When SWAT went on gang raids, they all ensured they wore their full gear and masks to keep their identity hidden. Only someone at the police station would be able to identify the members on SWAT, but who?

He arrived back in his bedroom and found Sarena still asleep. He walked over to his side of the bed and removed his pants. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, he reached into the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out his Glock. The cool steel was comforting to him. He placed it on top of his nightstand before sliding beneath the covers.

“Is everything all right?” Sarena murmured as he pulled her curvy body to his.

He breathed in her scent and settled them in the bed.

“Yeah. I just went and got a drink of water. Go back to sleep, baby,” he murmured, running his hand down her back. He stared up at the ceiling in the dark and thought of the movie they had gone to see before dinner.

He now had a better understanding of the hero from the movie. Sarena let loose a deep sigh, snuggling into the crook of his arm.

Yes, he understood completely now.

He’d move Heaven and Earth to keep Sarena safe.

Sergeant MacArthur. How are you?” Sergeant Cameron Kaur met Mac with a firm handshake.

Mac and Declan had driven out to the county’s sheriff’s department to meet with the head of the Gang Unit.

“I’m well. Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice.” Mac nodded to him.

“Any time. We appreciate whenever you and your men can help us out.” Cameron jerked his head to one side, motioning for them to follow him.

They walked through the building until they reached a small conference room. Mac and Declan sat at the table while Cameron sat opposite. They were there to find out information on the last bust they’d assisted with.

They both agreed there was a leak in the department.

“How can I help you, gentlemen?” Cameron asked, pulling a notepad and pen in front of him on the table.

“We have reason to believe that the Demon Lords have tagged a house that belongs to a young lady I know,” Mac began.

Cameron’s eyebrows rose at the announcement.

“My advice would be for her to move.” Cameron chuckled but was met with glares from Declan and Mac.

Mac held back a growl and stared at the sergeant who must have got the message loud and clear. Cameron cleared his throat and turned away from Mac and was met with the same look from Declan.

“I take it the woman in question is someone close to you. But why are they tagging her?”

“Her name is Sarena Rucker, and the only connection to the Demon Lords would be me.”

“Declan asked me to gather information on the last time you guys helped us. I brought the files that are not deemed classified. You boys were there so you can piece together what you need.”

Mac could remember the last raid with the Gang Unit. It had been a warehouse that had been commissioned by the Demon Lords. SWAT had gone in and secured the premises to allow the investigators to take over. It was not a simple covert mission. A few of his men had taken bullets, and the Demon Lords had lost a few men as well.

The amount of weapons and drugs that were confiscated in the raid was newsworthy. Officers from ATF, DEA, the sheriff’s department, and local law enforcement all had to work together. The plan had been executed under the cover of darkness.

That raid had a significant impact on the gang.

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