Page 36 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 14

Mac tucked the covers around a sleeping and very naked Sarena. He paused as she snuggled down into his plush pillows. After they had arrived at his home, they had showered together and fallen into his bed. Sarena needed him, and he was all too willing to meet her every sexual need. She didn’t even have to ask, but he knew she needed a distraction from the break-in.

Their lovemaking was urgent, almost desperate. Her body called to his, and he took his time wringing every orgasm from her, leaving her in a deep slumber.

He stared at her sleeping form and gently brushed her dark hair from her face. It had about torn him apart to see the fear in her eyes when she’d walked through her home. If he were ever to get his hands on the person who had brought fear into her eyes, they would no longer breathe. He laid a kiss on her forehead then slid from beneath the covers, grabbing a pair of pajama pants and sliding them on. He picked up his phone and dialed Declan’s number.

It didn’t matter that it was the middle of the night, he would answer.

“Yeah,” Declan growled into the phone.

Mac stepped out of the bedroom. He didn’t want to disturb Sarena. After the night she’d just had, she needed to get some rest.

“I need a favor,” he began. Greetings weren’t needed between them. At this time of night, he knew his friend would know that this was important.


“I need you to reach out to your contact with the Gang Unit.” He kept his voice low, walking down the stairs. He didn’t want to chance Sarena waking and hearing his conversation. He didn’t want to worry her with what he had found in her house.

“What is this about?” Declan went on instant alert.

Mac explained what had happened with Sarena’s house. He stepped into his kitchen. Moonlight flowed in through the windows, giving enough illumination for him to make his way to the refrigerator. He flicked his eyes to the time on the microwave and found it a little after two in the morning. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and leaned against his sink to open the bottle.

“Why would I need to contact the Gang Unit? We can let the regular patrol officers handle a break-in.”

“The Demon Lords tagged her house.”

Declan released a curse at Mac’s announcement. They both knew that the Demon Lords was one of the most violent criminal gangs in South Carolina.

“What connection does she have to them?” Declan asked.

“Not a one.” Mac took a swig, but he knew the answer.

It wasn’t her, it was him.

SWAT had been called this year to help the Gang Unit with a few busts. The Gang Unit was a small group that was run out of the county’s sheriff’s department and was developed to investigate all gang-related crimes that were committed by criminal street gangs.

Declan usually coordinated the SWAT team’s assignments with the Gang Unit and had grown the relationship with their department and the sheriff’s. A couple of times a year, SWAT jumped in to assist the Gang Unit.

Certain gangs were deemed extremely dangerous and required the assistance of a trained team such as SWAT to be involved.

Yeah, the Demon Lords were at the top of the most dangerous criminal gang list in all of South Carolina all right.

Earlier that year, with the help of Mac and his team, the Gang Unit was able to seize a sizable amount of weapons and narcotics that cost the Demon Lords a considerable amount of money. Mac remembered that raid as if it were yesterday. It was a carefully calculated assignment that went to Hell and back fast. Five police officers were shot that night, two being members of his SWAT team. There were countless injured gang members with a few fatalities.

When he’d been helping Sarena clean up, he’d caught sight of a graffiti tag underneath her coffee table that signified the Demon Lords. Someone had taken the few minutes to carve out their insignia there.

When he’d gone out the back to assess the damage to the door, he’d spotted another Demon Lords logo engraved into the wooden jamb. After spotting it, he’d checked the front door and saw the same tag on the upper portion of the heavy oak.

He knew the officers had missed it. He didn’t want to alert Sarena to the dangers of who’d truly entered her home. The regular beat cops wouldn’t be able to help her.

Her house was tagged, and it meant they would be back.

“Where is she now? She can’t stay there,” Declan stated.

“She’s upstairs sleep.” Mac’s announcement was met with silence.

“Are you two together?”

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