Page 25 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 11

Sarena looked up from her computer and found Ronnie standing in the doorway of her office. For the last few hours she had been working on auditing patient’s charts. It was one of the parts of the job she detested, but her boss assured her it was not something they could stop.

She just couldn’t believe that Marcas had run a background check on her—yet she could. What had left her speechless was that he’d looked into her brother, and her brother, in turn, had checked him out. It was just too much to handle. It was like two alpha males sizing each other up without even meeting. She’d been ecstatic to hear from her brother with him being deployed, but for him to fall into this game with Marcas just left her shaking her head.

“Hey, Ronnie, what’s up?” She motioned her friend into her office and let loose a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair.

“Just checking in on you,” she replied, plopping down in the chair in front of Sarena’s desk. “So what is going on with you and the neighbor? One minute I’m sending you off over to his house like a hooker going to be with her first john, and the next, I don’t hear from you.”

“Ronnie!” Sarena rolled her eyes.

“Okay, maybe not a hooker. But you were smoking hot,” Ronnie muttered, shrugging. “So what gives? I send you over there and I was expecting a full report the next morning—excuse me—afternoon.”

Sarena thought of her second night with Marcas. It had begun as a wonderful evening of insane chemistry and setting fire to the sheets of Marcas’s bed. A smile appeared on her lips with the thoughts of the things they’d done. She’d done things with Marcas she’d never even desired until now. It had been a magical night until Harden interrupted their time together.

She truly loved her brother. She did, but his timing couldn’t have been worse.

“Well, without giving away all the sexy details, let’s just say the outfit worked,” she began, a grin spreading across her face.

Ronnie danced in her chair, her squeal of delight cutting Sarena off. “I knew it! So, did he peel it off with his teeth?” Her friend sat forward with wide eyes, waiting for Sarena to respond.

“I’m not going to divulge the details of my wicked night with the SWAT sergeant.” She laughed, teasing. “At least, not here at work, my friend.”

“Well, at least tell me he has a buddy.” Ronnie pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“Well, actually, he does,” she murmured, thinking of Declan, the man she’d had the pleasure of meeting after he had been shot.

“And you’re just now saying something?” A playful, hurt expression appeared on Ronnie’s face, and Sarena chuckled.

“He’s pretty hot, too, in an intense, macho-alpha kind of way,” Sarena teased again.

“I don’t think our friendship is as tight as it used to be.” Ronnie shook a finger at Sarena, who giggled even more. “Nope. We need to reevaluate this relationship.”

“When the opportunity comes up, I will introduce you to Declan,” she promised, wiping her tears from her face. Her promise seemed to calm Ronnie down. “I wouldn’t want you to break up with me after all these years.”

“I’m going to hold you to it, too, dammit.” Ronnie smiled, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Best friend code. Ensure your bestie meets hot guy’s hot friend.”

“Are you on your lunch?” She changed the subject. She was starting to feel slight hunger pains and glanced down at her watch. It was getting late, and she figured she should grab a bite to eat.

“Nope. I was going to go get coffee and figured I’d walk up here and see if you wanted to go down to the coffee shop with me.”

“That sounds wonderful,” she breathed, sitting back from her desk. She could use a little caffeinated boost to get through the rest of her shift. She’d grab something to eat while she grabbed coffee. “Let’s go now, before change of shift. I’m short a nurse and will have to pick up an assignment for the last four hours.”

They walked out of her office. She called out to one of her nurses and let her know she was running down for coffee.

“Hey, Sarena! Someone’s out in the front waiting room asking for you,” Liza hollered from the front of the department.

Sarena glanced over at the doors that led to the waiting area of emergency.

“Well, who the hell could that be?” she muttered. “Give me a second, Ronnie.”

“Go ahead. I’ll be over at the nurses’ station.” Ronnie waved to one of the nurses as she made her way over there.

Sarena headed toward the double doors that Liza had just disappeared through. Liza was one of the receptionists who worked the front desk where patients checked in on arrival to the hospital.

She pushed through the double doors and walked through the short maze that led to the waiting area. Liza was seated at her desk behind the glass window, typing on her computer.

“Did they say what they want?” Sarena asked, coming to stand next to Liza. It was probably a disgruntled patient or family member needing to speak to the manager on duty.

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