Page 51 of Unexpected Allies

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“Who are you to come here to threaten me? My men will come and destroy you,” he snapped, cocking his head to the side.

“Has anyone came through that door yet? You’re men are getting slaughtered as we speak,” she snapped, pointing to the door. “Do you think that I was stupid enough to come by myself? Now, as I said before, cancel the fucking hit.” She narrowed her eyes on him and raised her gun.

“Now wait a minute. I’m sure we can work something out—”

“Cancel the hit,” she demanded again. Her hand didn’t waver at all as she stared down the boss.

“And what do you think will happen when you kill me? There are cameras everywhere in this house. I’m sure one of them will have you killing me on it.”

“Let me worry about that.” She walked closer to him and pushed the phone toward to him. “Call it off.”

The sound of the door opening grabbed her attention, and she turned to find Kole coming through, doing something to the door handle before shutting it. He kept his mask on but she would recognize his body any day.

She glanced back at Vlad and pressed the barrel of her gun to him. He jumped away from it. She was sure it was still warm from use.

“Dial the number now,” she growled. Kole stood near the door as Vlad took the phone off the hook and dialed the number.

“You would shoot and kill and old man? An unarmed one at that?” Vlad snarled at her. She glared at him and refused to answer.

Old man my ass, she thought. This fucking old man is the reason there are countless assassins trying to kill her and a bloody war spilling out into the streets.

She knew that he would need to call the Network. The Network was an underground organization that made putting out a hit on someone in an organized fashion. Every assassin had access to it and would be notified of contracts or the cancellation of hits. Even she had access to it and would take the occasional job on the side.

She kept her gun trained on him as she reached for the cell phone in her back pocket. She swiped it and hit her voice memo app so that she could record his part of the conversation. She wanted to have her own proof that the hit was cancelled. Once it was, it would take a few minutes for them to send out a cancellation message to every assassin who accepted the job. She placed her phone on the desk so that it could capture every word.

“Ah, yes. I placed an order not too long ago that I would like to cancel.” Vlad paused as he waited for the operator to confirm, placing his cigar in the ashtray on his desk. She knew next he would have to give an identification code that would identify him to the Network. “It is 143876001.”

Vlad turned his cold eyes to her and she held back a snarl. His last attempt to intimidate her would fall on deaf ears. Her finger itched to pull the trigger, but she knew that she would have to wait.

“Repeat back the cancellation code they give you,” she demanded as they waited for the operator to come back on the line.

“Cancellation code is M545P892,” he repeated into the phone. “Yes. Thank you. That is all for now.” He hung the phone up and turned to her as she grabbed her phone and cut off the recorder, sliding it back into her pocket.

“Mila, we got what we came for,” Kole snapped from his spot. Mila didn’t take her eyes off of Vlad. “Let’s go. The hit is cancelled.”

“Yes, Mila. Why don’t you run back to your lover like a good little whore—”

A single shot cut his words. Mila stood in front of the Slokavich pakhan with her gun still pointed at him. She didn’t have any regrets whatsoever as she stared into the dead pakhan’s dull eyes. A single red dot appeared on his head as a trail of blood began to make its way down his face. His body slumped down in his chair as she turned toward Kole.

Kole cursed and strode over to her with a stern look on his face and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the door. “We need to go, now. I flipped the lock to allow us to get out of here. Somehow, they were able to call for help. Looks like we’re fighting our way out.”

She put her glock back in her thigh holster and pulled out the handy-dandy automatic rifle from the sheath on her back.

“I knew this would come in handy,” she murmured. She wouldn’t worry about them sending more men. They could send in a whole army and she would fight them.

“God, you’re fucking hot,” Kole murmured, opening the door.

“Front door?” she asked as she made her way through. The sounds of fighting below greeted them.

“Might as well,” Kole said as they made their way to the stairs.

“Alpha, you two need to get out of there now!” Denis’s voice shouted through the communicator.

“We’re on our way out now,” Kole responded as they flew down the stairs.

Mila’s foot hit the first level and she turned, just as bullet flew by her. She turned and unloaded a few slugs into the shooter. His body jerked, his weapon falling to the floor as he hit the ground.

“This way,” Kole shouted.

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