Page 45 of Unexpected Allies

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It was amazing in how in such a short time, he had come to know her so well.

“Just be thankful you’re not my mark,” she replied, crossing her legs.

Yes, she was a huntress about to plan her attack on her prey. Vladen Jaksch had certainly gained her attention.

* * *

“So what’s the plan?”Denis asked as they sat around the dining room table. Denis, Corneal, Mila, and Jethro all turned to Kole at the head of the table.

She could tell that Kole was taking no chances in their plan being leaked. Before their meeting, Denis swept the room for bugs to ensure what was said was not shared beyond the room.

“We’ve found where Vladen is being hidden. After the fighting between the Tokhan and Slokavich families, he disappeared. He knew the Pasha and Nikolai would be gunning for him for starting this mess,” Corneal informed the room.

“Are we sure the information of his location is correct?” Mila asked. She knew the head of the Slokavich family had plenty of resources, and they would need to be sure that he was where Corneal’s contact said he is. They would have one shot at getting to Vlad.

“Are we sure she should be here?” Corneal asked, turning to Kole. “We’re going to be discussing sensitive information that —”

“She stays.” Kole’s two words were low and deadly, and the room went silent. Mila could tell by the tone in his voice that he dared them to argue.

Corneal’s eyes shot to her, and she was certain that he didn’t trust her. A man’s eyes always told his story. No matter how much they tried to block their emotions and feeling, Mila was able to see the truth in them. One look in Corneal’s and she knew her previous assumption was correct. He didn’t trust her, and she didn’t blame him. That showed his true loyalty to Kole and their organization.

“I know that we don’t know each other, but I’m loyal to my organization as well, Corneal. I don’t blame you for your distrust. I expected it.” She turned to Corneal. She didn’t need Kole to protect her, she could take the heat. She was used to it, especially as a woman in a world that was driven by alpha males. “Your loyalty to Kole is very honorable, but know that right now, our two organizations are working together, and if we’re going to do that, we will need to trust each other.”

“That brother of yours—”

She held up her hand, cutting him off. “I’m not my brother. I’ll admit, Pasha can be a stubborn, bullheaded man who wants the best for the Tokhan, same as I’m sure you do for the Belotov’s. But this war that was started over a lie has engulfed both our organizations. Sides have been established, and the Belotov’s would have either been with the Tokhan or against us, and I’d have to say that Kole has chosen wisely.”

“She’s right. This war is bigger than any of us, and I’ve sworn to protect Mila. Not just to her father and brother, but I’ve made the promise to her. She belongs to me and I protect what is mine. No harm shall come to her.”

The room fell silent as they all took in Kole’s words. Her eyes flew to his at his admission to his second and security.

She was his.

He couldn’t have made it more official than shouting it to the world. As the leader of his organization, everyone would now know that if they were to lay a hand on her, they would answer to him.

“I understand.” Corneal nodded to Kole, and then to Mila. “To answer your original question, yes. I’m certain where Vladen is being hidden. One of my spies had infiltrated their organization years ago and is part of their security detail.”

Mila raised an eyebrow at this information. Interesting, she thought to herself, tucking that little bit of information in the back of her mind.

“Perfect.” Kole nodded his head.

“He’s actually located not too far from here. He’s in Concord, New Hampshire, at a safe house,” Corneal informed the room.

“That’s a little less than two hours from here,” Denis mused. “Once we get back to the mainland, I’ll make arrangements for transportation.”

“Good. We’re going to cause a distraction and allow Mila to do what she’s best known for.” Kole looked at her and she returned his gaze as a small smile graced her lips.

“Please tell me you have some goodies here.” She collapsed her hands together. If they didn’t, she would have to make arrangements to get weapons sent to her.

“But of course we do. I’m sure you would be pleased with what we have here,” Jethro chuckled.

“I would love to see your toys,” she replied. Just the thought of exploring their arsenal sent a wave of excitement through her. There was nothing like the feeling of cold hard steel in her hands.

“You’ll get your chance,” Denis offered. “I’m sure we’ll have some that you’ll get a kick out of.”

“Now, will this spy help us get on the property?” she asked Corneal.

“Yes. He’s loyal to the Belotov’s, but we don’t want him to blow his cover. Once we’re in, he is to disappear.”

She turned a pleased eye to Kole. “I think we just need the blueprints of the place and we can begin making a plan for infiltration.”

“I’m already a step ahead of you. Those will be here first thing in the morning,” Kole informed her.

She nodded and turned to Denis, who instantly knew what she wanted.

“Let’s go down to the basement. I’ll show you what we’ve got.”

“I can’t wait.” She turned to Kole, who nodded in return.

“We’ll finish this discussion in the morning once the blueprints are here. For now, let’s get some rest.”

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