Page 38 of Unexpected Allies

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“Get us out of here, now,” Kole snapped, pulling her in front of him. A few more of Kole’s men rushed from their hiding places, providing cover.

Mila ducked as she ran, cursing as the rocks of the driveway dug into her bare feet. But this pain would be nothing like the pain of a gunshot wound. She bit her lip and kept running. Gunshots echoed in the quiet night air as Kole’s men returned fire. They made it to the waiting SUV, where Kole practically tossed her into the back seat with him following.

Denis and Jethro jumped in the front, with Denis in the driver’s seat.

“Go!” Jethro shouted.

Mila’s head fell back against the headrest as the truck peeled out. Denis drove like a bat out of hell and away from the hotel. Her chest rose and fell as she turned and watched the hotel disappear. When she turned her eyes toward Kole, she found his eyes were dark with fury, and she knew that someone would pay for this.

* * *

Kole paced the room.Rage burned in his chest as he realized he could have easily lost Mila tonight. Had it not been for her senses, they could have been dead. They had safely made it back to the yacht, and as expected, the crew had the ship ready, and the minute they all had boarded, the yacht was racing toward open waters. He had insisted for Mila get cleaned up and pushed her to the shower. She had protested at first, but then relented as she looked down at herself. Small splatters of blood covered her. Her feet were covered in dirt from being without proper coverings.

He paused his pacing and turned a cold eye to Denis, his guard and trusted friend. They were meeting in the master suite’s sitting area. He was enraged, and someone needed to answer for what had just occurred.

“How did this happen?” he growled. He was beyond pissed. Not only had his life been in danger, but Mila’s had been too. How did this attack get past his men? There were enough of his loyal men on the island that an attack of this magnitude should not have gone unnoticed.

“We don’t know.” Denis shook his head. “But I will personally get to the bottom of this, and when I find out who it is, I will personally see—”

“No, whoever it is will answer to me.” He raised a hand, cutting Denis off. It was his woman who almost died, and he would let it be known to everyone who was sending killers for her, that Mila Petrovna belonged to Kole Bozovic. If they had an issue with it, they could come see the head of the Belotov gang.

“Yes, sir.” Denis nodded from his perch on the couch.

“Step up security. I want all available men to be ready. I’ll let you know the next stop soon. Right now, Peter has orders to just get us away from Bermuda. I think it best that no one but me know where we’ll go next.”

He dismissed his friend and made his way to the bedroom. He shucked off his sweats and walked into the bathroom, as he too was filthy from their escape.

His eyes landed on the glass shower door, finding Mila standing still beneath the streaming water. She didn’t even turn when he opened the door and stepped in. Steam filled the shower stall, only allowing him to see the outline of her naked body. Her inked skin was a beacon to him. He needed to feel her, taste her, to know that she was all right. He pulled her back to his chest, and she turned in his arms, laying her forehead against his chest. He ran his hands along her back, loving the feel of her slick skin beneath his fingertips.

He held back a growl, thinking he could have lost her tonight. But he was proud and in awe at how she handled herself. If she’d had more bullets, his little warrior would have stayed and fought. Her true aim took out many of the men trying to come into the room to take them out.

His heart had almost jumped out his chest when he saw her moving in on the first two men. But he should have known that she would be able to take care of herself.

“It’s my fault, isn’t it?” she questioned, breaking the silence.

“No.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled her head back, so he could look into her eyes. No matter what she’d done on the island, those men made the decision to go after her, and failed. His men handled them.

“It is. It was me showboating at the gun range. You were right. It brought unwanted attention to us.”

“None of this is your fault. You didn’t do anything to warrant being hunted down.”

“There’s plenty I’ve done to warrant this. I’m not an innocent, Kole. Just because Vladen lied about me trying to kill him, doesn’t mean that this is the true reason I’m being hunted. This could have just been a reason for people to officially hunt me down. I have plenty of enemies that want me dead—”

“They’re going to have to go through me first,” he growled, cutting her off.

He leaned down and covered her mouth with his in a painful kiss. He didn’t want to hear that people wanted her dead. He knew that his little hellion wasn’t an innocent. Hell, neither was he.

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