Page 37 of Unexpected Allies

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Chapter 16

Mila shifted in the bed, not knowing what woke her. Kole’s light snoring filled the air. As if sensing her moving, he drew her naked body closer to his. She shifted her head, trying to get comfortable, but the hairs on her arm stood on end. She focused on the quietness of the suite.

Something was wrong.

This was a feeling she didn’t like and knew that her gut was trying to alert her. She turned over onto her side, facing away from Kole, and blew out a deep breath.

There it was again.

The sound was so minute that if she hadn’t been listening for it, she would have missed it. A few scratches and ticks. Her eyes flew open as she paused and listened again. She sat up, Kole’s arm sliding down to the bed.

Someone was breaking into their suite. Mila narrowed her eyes as she reached toward the nightstand and slowly opened the top drawer. She was comforted by the feel of the cold steel of her weapon. She pulled it out and took the safety off.

She nudged Kole, who immediately opened his eyes. He sat up once he noticed her gun in her hand. She put her finger to her lips, warning him, as she swung her legs off the bed. She grabbed his shirt from the floor and tossed it over her head, covering her naked body. Nothing like getting in a fight naked. Using both hands, her aim was steady as she made her way out of the bedroom.

Kole silently followed her into the living area. She glanced in his direction and saw he had a gun in his hand. Her heart remained calm. She had been itching for a fight for a while, and it looked like it had finally come to her. She moved out of the sight of the person coming through the door, silently jogging behind the open closet door. Kole moved to where she couldn’t see him, but she knew that he, like her, was waiting for the right moment to take their guest by surprise.


The fuckers had the door unlocked.

With barely a sound, two masked men made their way into the dark area, silently closing the door behind them. Mila could see the glint of metal, and knew they came armed.

She held back a snarl as she came from behind the door and silently came up behind the one. She could see they were not pros by the way they entered into the hotel room. There was no way that a professional assassin would be heard entering the room on a mark.

He must have sensed Mila behind him. He turned and she went on the attack, not giving him a chance to react. She swung her arm with all her might and slammed her gun into the side of his face. Stunned, he took a few steps back and fell onto the coffee table in the middle of the room. His partner went for her, but a shot rung out.

Kole came from his spot, gun raised. The man staggered near the bedroom door, falling to the floor as the sound of glass shattering filled the air. Mila turned to the sight of men crawling through the windows. She aimed and pulled the trigger, hitting her targets. Gunshots filled the air as both her and Kole took aim, trying to stop the men from entering the suite, but they kept coming. Whoever sent them after her, must have a large army.

Chaos broke out around them. She only had the one clip with her, the other in the nightstand next to the bed, and she was about to run out of bullets.

“Mila!” Kole shouted, motioning her to his side. She raced to him as she emptied the final bullet.

He pulled her behind him as they rushed from the room. Screams filled the air in the hallway from the other guests from the hotel rooms that were possibly entered looking for her.

Kole kicked open the emergency door leading into the stairwell.

“Where the fuck is everyone?” he growled, pulling her down the stairs.

Her breaths came fast as she concentrated on running down the stairs barefoot. Her hand gripped her empty gun tight.

“Hopefully, kicking these motherfuckers’ asses,” she snapped.

Stomping could be heard below them, and when they looked over the railing, the saw men dressed in black with large guns in their hands, rushing up the stairs. They were still a few flights below them, so she and Kole would only be a few seconds ahead of them.

“Come on.” He yanked her arm and pulled her to the door on the next level. Opening the door, he peered down the hallway before turning to her with a finger to his lips. She quietly followed him, trying to slow her breathing. Her adrenaline was pumping and she was ready for a fight. If that would be the only way they would make it out of here alive, she’d fight.

A figure appeared at the end of the hallway and they both paused. She could feel Kole’s body grow tense as he placed his body in front of hers.

“Kole.” They both relaxed slightly at the sound of Jethro’s voice.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Kole demanded, marching toward his soldier. He had yet to release her hand, but she was okay with it. In all her years of being a soldier for her brother and father, it was the first time she had felt protected. It had always been her protecting her brother against the enemy and fighting for the brotherhood. Kole taking control and killing those men in their suite, made her heart flutter. She knew that this would not be looked at as a romantic gesture, but for their lifestyle, it was everything.

“We got caught in a fire down on the first floor. Come this way. We’ve secured an exit out of the building. The crew is waiting on us at the docks.”

They silently followed Jethro to another emergency exit and made their way down the stairs, meeting Denis halfway down.

“You two all right,?” Denis asked them as he and Jethro led them out of the building. Kole’s men surrounded them as they rushed to a car.

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