Page 2 of Unexpected Allies

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“Da,” she murmured as she watched the city lights speed by. “We shouldn’t have any problems from the fat salesman. I think he pissed himself before me.”

Both Oleg and Davor were recruited into the brotherhood by Mila. Their criminal reputations preceded them, and she knew that they would be an asset to the brotherhood. It was she who spoke to her brother and convinced him to make them on. They both pledged their allegiance to her brother and the Tokhan Bratva, becoming Vor, or made men.

“Well, you know you have a certain way about yourself,” Davor chuckled. “You tend to make men shake in their boots from fear, and women hate you because you’re powerful and beautiful.”

She snorted at his comment. Both men chuckled as they reminisced of other times grown men had pissed themselves from fear of her. She found it downright disgusting and rolled her eyes at some of the tales they shared. It was always hard for her to even find someone to date. She knew she had high standards, but a girl shouldn’t settle. She knew what she wanted, and she would be damned if the man of her dreams would be anything but what she wanted.

“Where are we going?” she asked, starting to feel restless. She unstrapped her glock from her leg and placed it in the secured compartment in the armrest.

It had been a while since her last sexual encounter, and she was starting to get the itch. She was close to Oleg and Davor, but thought of them as brothers. She would never cross that line, and she knew that being who she was, they had never thought of it either. If even one of them had hinted at being interested in her, her brother Pasha would have had both of them strung up by their ankles and beaten within an inch of their life.

“Where do you want to go?” Oleg shot a glance back at her with an eyebrow raised.

“Let’s go have a drink and celebrate. I didn’t have to shoot anyone tonight,” she bragged.

“That’s certainly something we could celebrate,” Oleg chuckled.

“To the club then?” Davor asked.

“Da.” She nodded slowly. Their family owned a popular nightclub, the Cherry Eclipse. She needed a good drink and to go on the prowl tonight for someone to release her sexual tension with.

“Mila’s on the prowl,” Davor announced as Oleg guided the car toward the Meatpacking District.

“What’s wrong with that? Why can’t I find a man that would be compatible with me? A manly man. Someone who doesn’t quake in his boots at the first sign of a strong woman, and can handle me?” she asked.

Most men were scared of her brother and threatened by her. No one wanted to be the one to break the heart of the local mafia boss’s sister who was damn good with guns and knives. It would take a special man to settle down with her. She wanted to be able to find someone that she would share her life with, someone she could raise a family with. Just because she was in the bratva, didn’t mean she didn’t want to hear the pitter-patter of feet running around her home.

“I’ve told you time and time again, you can’t date yourself.” Davor laughed. She allowed the jokes because they were a family, a brotherhood, with an impenetrable bond shared between them that could only be broken in death.

She leaned forward and smacked him upside the back of his head. He always could bring a smile to her face. It was a long-standing joke between the two of them—her dream man was the male version of herself.

“Very funny,” she scoffed, settling back into her seat to enjoy the ride.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived in the Meatpacking District and pulled into the front of the exclusive hotel where the Cherry Eclipse was housed, on the roof. It was the perfect location for the popular nightclub, which offered beautiful views of the Hudson River.

It was Friday night, and the club would be packed to capacity. She pulled her clutch from the armrest compartment. Grabbing her cell phone, she shot off a quick text to her brother to let him know she was done for the night.

Cherry Eclipse?he wrote back. She chuckled. Her big brother knew her too well.

Yup, she responded. Going to have a few drinks and have some fun.

On my way.

Let’s party, she wrote back, ready for just that. It wasn’t that often that Pasha would come hang with her at the club, but seeing how he owned it, he needed to show his face once in a while.

The valet opened her door and held his hand out. She threw her phone back into her clutch and took the outstretched hand. It was a little before midnight, and it was time for her to relax and enjoy what was left of the night.

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