Page 12 of Unexpected Allies

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He got off way too easy. A bullet to the head was an easy way out. For owing over fifty grand, she should technically be taking his head to her brother, but she didn’t have time for such a personal delivery. Tonight was the charity event, and Pasha would have her ass if she were to be late.

She stalked through the empty shop, knowing that Davor would take care of any and all evidence.

No one fucked over the Tokhan Bratva. All debts must be paid, either in cash or flesh.

* * *

Upbeat,soft rock music filled the air as Kole escorted Meghan into the lavishly decorated ballroom of the Chateau Hotel. Denis moved from behind them once they were in the ballroom. Meg didn’t bat an eye at the heads that turned her way as they walked past other guests. She was a curvy blonde with bright blue eyes. A knockout. He knew that they complimented each other well, with her lightness against his dark, olive complexion and jet-black hair.

“I’ll be around,” his bodyguard informed him. Kole nodded as Meg entwined her arm with his, drawing her body closer. For as long as they had been friends, it was second nature to hold her close.

Corneal Galca, Kole’s captain and second in command, had brought his wife as well to the party. Cassidy Galca was a beautiful woman that his captain was crazy over.

“We’ll meet you at the table in a while,” Cassidy announced as she dragged Corneal toward the dance floor.

“As the wife wishes,” Corneal chuckled, throwing a salute Kole’s way. Kole couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at his captain. What Cassidy wanted, Cassidy got.

“This is some party,” Meg murmured as they made their rounds around the room.

“That it is,” Kole replied as his eyes took everything in.

He recognized many crime lords from all over the world, all networking and enjoying the party, as if they weren’t the most dangerous men and women in the world. This was the one time that the world’s warlords were at a truce. Organized crime at it’s finest. Not only was the event for charity and raising money, it was a front for the world’s villains to network.

No one was allowed to break the truce on this night or they would be subjected to punishment by the high crimes council, the Black Society. The council was a roundtable of the most distinguishable crime lords. Nine members sat on the council, and no one crossed the Black Society.

Security was tight, as this was one of the most talked about charity events in town with the wealthiest people in the world.

“Is everyone in the same business as you?” Meg asked, her perfectly arched eyebrow raised. Those clear blue eyes of hers didn’t miss a thing. She knew of his business and the family organization, but that was all she knew. He never went any deeper about the Belotov’s.

“You’ll be safe,” he promised as he led her to the bar. That was a promise. He would never let anything happen to his old friend.

“I better be.” She smiled as they reached the bar.

He playfully pulled a strand of her hair before ordering their drinks. He leaned back against the bar as they waited for the busy bartender. The event was in full swing. There would be an auction of antiques and artwork that would raise more money for the charity. The price for entrance was hefty, but the items that would be for sale would be almost priceless.

“So what are we doing here?” Meg asked, handing him his glass before taking a sip of her champagne. “I’m sure this is work for you.”

“Business never stops,” he acknowledged, tipping his vodka toward her. She briefly touched her glass to his before taking another sip. He went back to taking in the crowd, knowing who he was looking for, but he didn’t see her.

“Oh boy, do I know,” she murmured, her eyes roaming the crowd.

“Hey, same deal as always.” He turned to look at Meg. He didn’t want her to feel obligated to have to stay with him tonight. If she wanted to leave with a hookup, it was cool with him.

“Deal.” She offered her fist and one fist bump, sealing their deal.

“You want to dance?” she asked, placing her empty glass down on the counter.

“You know I don’t dance.” He shook his head as she pulled on his arm. Meg loved to dance. When they were in college, she had attempted to teach him, but he failed to learn. He quickly knocked backed the remainder of his vodka and slammed the glass down on the bar.

Murmurs from the crowd gained his attention as she led him toward the dance floor. He paused, causing Meg to stumble slightly. He grabbed her arm to steady her as he looked toward the entryway to the ballroom. Pasha Petrovna stood in the doorway with a gorgeous blonde knockout on his arm.

Excitement filled the air around them. Kole scowled at the reaction of the crowd. He knew the real reason everyone was clamoring to see the Petrovna’s was because it was rumored that the patriarch of the crime family would be present. Salagin Petrovna was a member of the Black Society. It was rare that the nine members of the society would be seen in a public place together. Tonight would be the one night that everyone would see them in the same room.

“Who is that?” Meg murmured as she leaned over to see.

“Pasha Petrovna,” he replied in her ear over the crowd’s chatter.

Her eyes widened with recognition, but the increase in noise level had him turning back to the entryway. He didn’t want to stand there gawking at the Petrovna’s like they were rock stars or something. He went to move, but his feet refused to as his eyes took in the people who now stood in the same spot that Pasha had just stood moments before.

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