Page 45 of Only a Chance

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“Hospital food, Arch.”


“Wiley can’t get me anything because you have the car.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. We found a hotel.” I waited for her to ask questions, but it seemed my sister was rightfully self-absorbed.

“Good. Now come back and break us outta here. And bring food.”

There was a gurgle and then a wail on the other end of the line, and then my sister again, “talk to Wiley.”

I could hear shuffling on the other end, and I cleared my throat as Wiley said, “Hey Ghost. Good night?”

“Yeah, it was good,” I told him, smiling inwardly at just how unexpectedly good it was. “You guys getting out today?”

He laughed lightly. “Aubrey’s in a hurry, but I think it’s gonna be a while.”

“Sounds right.” As I spoke, Emily slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Her long legs were exposed, since she’d pulled back on only a T-shirt to sleep. I found myself wishing we didn’t have to hurry back to Aubrey as she disappeared into the little room.

“Hey, so the thing is, we can’t take this little fella with us unless we have a car seat installed. And since we didn’t have time to grab it at the resort...I hate to ask...”

“You got it,” I told him. “We’ll find one and get it set up. Middle of the back seat, right?”

“Yeah, man. Rear-facing. Thank you.”

“Need anything else?”

Wiley and I put together a quick list of necessities for the ride home, and then I hung up.

“Everything okay?” Emily asked, emerging from the bathroom freshly showered with a towel on her head, still wearing the T-shirt. Happiness flooded me, a feeling so unexpected I had to work not to bolt upright to release some of the energy the sensation inspired.

“It’d be better if we had time for me to grab a shower and both of us to hop back into bed.” I pulled her against me andtried not to imagine it too vividly so my body didn’t get the wrong idea.

She let out a soft little moan, her arms slipping around me.

I buried my face in her neck, inhaling her scent. This woman knew my biggest shame, my biggest failure—and she was still here. It was incredible, like being freed from a tiny box after years held captive.

She smiled up at me. “That sounds nice. What are we doing instead?”



“Aubrey and Wiley need some baby stuff, and my sister is demanding food.”

“Ooh, yeah, I didn’t even think about that. I guess most people head to the hospital with a go bag with all the things in it.”

“And the car seat,” I told her.

“Aha. Makes sense.”

I dropped my head to press a kiss to her soft cheek and then stepped back. Thankfully, the thick emotion from the night before seemed to have dissipated with the storm, and Emily’s smile was bright and happy.

“I’ll just take a quick shower and we’ll head out,” I told her.

“Sounds good.”

Chapter Seventeen

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