Page 13 of Checking the Center

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He looked exceptionally put out by this news. "We'll deal with all that later. I'm going to take a shower. Don't eat the muffins."

I could feel the steam gathering inside me. This man was impossible. "You said there were no muffins left."

"Technically there are. But they're for my aunt, not for the random chick squatting in my house."

"I am not squatting. I pay rent."

"We'll see." He rose and headed for the bathroom, in no particular hurry, leaving me to watch his back ripple as he walked away from me.

I tried not to do it, but a mess was something I couldn't abide, and I found myself cleaning up the kitchen as I waited for Rock to finish his shower.

He emerged from the bathroom fifteen minutes later, a towel slung low around his waist.

"Oh my god!" I said, turning partially away as he whipped the towel off despite me still being in the kitchen. "Do you ever wear clothes?"

"I'm getting dressed right now. Not my fault you decided the living room would be my bedroom. Why are you watching if it bothers you so much?"

Oh god, he was right. I was watching him bend down to retrieve clothes from the duffel bag on the floor. I snapped my eyes away, spinning to face the window over the kitchen sink.

Why was this happening to me?

A moment later, Rock stood at my side, smelling clean and manly, and towering above me in a way that kind of made me want to lean into all that infuriating strength. "Ready when you are."

"Yes. Let's go figure this out."

"I'll drive."

Because of course he would.


Rock pulled a basket of muffins from the oven and handed them to me. "You hold these. Don't eat them."

I made a face at him and followed him out to his stupid shiny SUV, trying not to admire how clean and new it was.

And then Rock drove us over to Nattie's like a guy who'd lived in Singletree his whole life. A really annoyingly sexy guy.




Iwas almost sorry my time with Drea was coming to an end. I was certain Aunt Nattie would give her another place to stay and she'd be out of my hair.

It had been fun watching her little face pull itself into a variety of adorably exasperated expressions during our short time together. I also didn't mind the sexy little pout she kept putting on.

Actually, there was a lot about Drea that was pretty sexy, not the least of which was the fact that she smelled a little bit like cinnamon, my personal catnip.

We pulled up to Aunt Nattie's old Victorian house, and I spotted my cousin, Noah, coming around from the back.

"Noah, what's good, man?" I jumped down from the car to greet him. We'd grown up together. Noah had a bunch of brothers, and sometimes I thought Aunt Nattie just counted me as another son. My own family hadn't been terribly attentive, so I'd spent most of my time here.

"Didn't know you were in town," Noah said. He grinned at me, but his face shifted as he glanced over my shoulder and spotted Drea coming around the front of the car. "Who's this?" he asked.

"This is the lady who's squatting in my apartment."

Noah managed to almost suppress his look of surprise.

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