Page 12 of Happily Ever Hers

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"Juliet." It was that dark-edged blade again, and I turned to face him. To see the pain and desire mingling in his deep brown eyes. "Don't go."

Chapter Six


She paused in the doorway, the light from my room shining in her light hair, glancing off her smooth cheeks, tracing her upturned nose. Red hot desire flared inside me, and I knew this was a moment that would determine the next. And the one after, and maybe days and months after that.

I didn't know what this was, this connection I felt to a movie star so far out of my league it was a joke, but I knew it was real.

"Okay," she said softly, taking a step back toward me, not meeting my eyes.

I reached out and took her hand gently, and she let me, her soft fingers wrapping around and twining my own, and I felt myself exhale.

For me, that's what it was. When Juliet was close, it was like the vice that kept my feelings in check released a bit and I could breathe.

She stepped inside my room and I swung the door shut slowly, the click of the mechanism sliding home signaling some kind of finality. A decision had been made, I just wasn't sure exactly what it was.

We stood for a moment, the air stilled between us, both of us frozen with our hands locked together. And then she looked up at me, those green eyes framed by a thousand dark lashes, and it was like looking through a prism to some better future, something more perfect than anything that was real for me now.

I tugged her hand gently, and she was in my arms, her small frame pressed against my chest. My arms went around her, and an unfamiliar longing surged within me. I wanted to keep her there, keep her safe. Keep her forever.

Juliet's arms slid around my waist, her hands finding their way up the planes of my back, caressing and holding me in a way I didn't think I'd ever been held. And when she tilted her head back and looked up into my eyes again, any restraint I still possessed dissolved the heat of my want.

I raised a hand between us and traced her beautiful lips with a finger. Slowly, watching her intently the whole time, memorizing her exhale, the way she felt melting in my arms, the way her body pressed to mine. I couldn't help it then—I had to taste her.

With a finger still on her lip, I bent my head to hers and brushed my lips slowly across hers. She moaned lightly, and my reserve snapped. I dropped my hand to the back of her head, letting my fingers slide through all that thick soft hair, and angled my jaw to kiss her fully.

It wasn't a deep kiss—there was no tongue, no clenching of hands on each other's bodies—but it was the most sensual kiss I'd ever shared with anyone. And it was long, soul-draining, and sweet. And when I moved my mouth away, needing to look at her again, she held my gaze and pressed herself hard against me.

"God, Jace," she whispered.

I let the smile that had filled my heart find its way to my face, and kissed her once again, lighter still, teasing us both. I could have kissed her for days. I could have thrown her on the bed and let myself go, let myself do all the things I saw racing through my mind in that moment. But I wasn’t that guy, and Juliet was not that woman. She deserved my respect, and my patience. And she was the one who would have to ask for more.

I let her go, moving to settle myself in one of the chairs by the unlit fireplace before I gave in to the urge to carry her to the bed and keep her there for days.

"Are you? I mean ... don't you want ...?" Juliet stood where I'd released her, looking around uncertainly, her face flushed beneath darkened emerald eyes.

Hell yes, I wanted. "There's no rush," I said.

She laughed lightly, shaking her head and moving to sit across from me. "Did I do something? Something wrong?"

"God, no." A shuddering release was moving through me, as if the soft kiss we'd shared had broken a lock I'd kept on feelings I had no use for, feelings I'd ignored for years. I was enjoying it, and I leaned forward, dropping my elbows to my knees.

"But, I guess I just thought ..." She looked so confused, and I realized that most men probably didn't stop at a kiss when they had Juliet Manchester in their arms.

I knew I had no claims on her, but if I had a chance with Juliet, I didn't want to be like most men. "You thought right," I said. "I'd take you to bed in a heartbeat. God, I want to," I nearly growled the last part. Just thinking about it had me harder than steel. "But this is new. And this situation isn't exactly your run-of-the-mill Tinder or Mr. Match hookup. We can take it slow. See if it's what we really want."

Her eyes held mine, and I couldn't decipher what I saw moving in those sparkling depths. But she sat back into the chair opposite me, relaxing. "I'd like that," she said. "A lot."

Chapter Seven


Jace kissed me.

And then he let me go.

I watched, my limbs shaky and my mind a tumult, as he moved to sit in one of the armchairs. I sank into the other as I realized something: I was in real trouble.

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