Page 80 of Dark King

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“Is this goodbye, then?” I asked, a mix of relief and sadness in my voice.

The seer nodded, her eyes softening with a warmth I hadn’t seen before.“Yes, Aria. My task is done, and it is time for me to go. You no longer need my guidance. You and Hades are more than capable of leading this world into the future.”

She turned to leave, but paused, her black orbs meeting mine one last time. “Remember, even in the darkest places, there is always a glimmer of light. You have found that light in each other. Cherish it.”

With that, the seer began to fade, her form dissolving into the twilight, leaving behind only the faintest whisper of her presence. I stood there, the weight of her words settling into my soul. The prophecy had been fulfilled, the seer’s work complete, and now the future was ours to write.

With Hades by my side, I knew we would be ready for whatever came next.


Six months later

Helheim-Sungard Border


Since the prophecy had been fulfilled, life had taken a surprising turn. I was more than just Hades’ queen.

I ruled over Sungard myself.

I stood on the balcony of our newly constructed castle, looking out to see Sungard and Helheim stretching out before my eyes. The barriers between realms had long since dissolved, but instead of plunging the world into chaos, it had brought about a new era of harmony.

True to his word, Hades no longer harbored the desire to conquer the world or bend the realms to his will. His focus had shifted entirely; he ruled Helheim with a fair and just hand, but his heart was here with me and our legacy together as king and queen.

The world was truly at peace for the first time in a very long time.

Helheim, once a realm of unyielding darkness and despair, had begun to change. The shadows still lingered, but now they coexisted with the light. The air, once thick with foreboding, was now filled with a strange, peaceful serenity.

It was beautiful.

Sungard, too, had changed. No longer just a realm of blinding light and rigid rules, it had softened. The harsh golden light that once dominated everything had mellowed, allowing room for shadows and nuance. The people had embraced the balance, realizing that there was beauty in both the light and the dark.

Since the Sun King’s death, Sungard had floundered without a ruler. By right of conquest, I’d taken Sungard for myself, while Hades continued to reign over Helheim. Together, we had forged a new path, ruling side by side from our castle on the border between the realms.

The people of both realms had accepted us, and though there were challenges, we faced them together, our bond growing stronger with each passing day.

In the weeks that followed our ascension to the throne, I made it my mission to rescue my mother from the Sun Court. When I finally found her, worn and tired from years of hard labor, the look of disbelief and joy in her eyes when she saw me was enough to make my heart swell. I promised her that she would never again be a servant to anyone. I brought her to the castle, where she was given a place of honor, a room with a view of the gardens, and a life of comfort and peace.

I could never get my father back, but at least I could have her.

With a soft sigh, I gazed out over the landscape. After a little while, I felt a presence behind me, and I turned, smiling when I saw who it was.

It was my Dark King. My Hades.

He approached with a smile that was both tender and possessive, his violet eyes filled with a warmth that still took my breath away.

“Admiring our kingdom, my queen?” he asked in a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine.

I smiled back, reaching out to take his hand. “Our kingdom. It’s everything I could have ever dreamed of, and more.”

He pulled me close, his hands sliding down my waist as he pressed me against him, the heat of his body unmistakable even through our clothes.

“We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?” he murmured, his lips grazing the sensitive skin just below my ear, sending a shiver of desire through me.

I tilted my head slightly, giving him better access as I rested my hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath my palm.

“And there’s still so much more to explore,” I whispered, my voice teasing, my fingers trailing suggestively down his chest.

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