Page 8 of Dark King

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But Iknewwhat the sound of that thunderous boom when we locked eyes meant.

She was not only the last sacrifice needed for me to fulfill the prophecy, to be granted the ultimate power to rule over five kingdoms as king.

She was mymate.

The warning the seer had given me made more sense now. Did she think I would let this deter me?

It didn’t matter.

I wouldn’t allow a silly concept such as fated mates to distract me from the destiny that lay ahead. I would fulfill the prophecy, and that was how it would be.

“Why are you doing this?” she demanded, her voice breaking through my thoughts.

“Because, little thief, you are more important than you realize,” I said in a low growl.

She fell silent, her struggles lessening as the weight of my words sank in. I could feel her fear, her confusion, but also the spark of defiance that refused to be extinguished. She would fight me every step of the way, and though it would be a challenge, it was one I relished.

Maybe, just maybe I’d allow myself to enjoy this.

I’d reigned over Helheim for more than a thousand years, ever since my father passed and left his dark throne to me. For centuries, I had been plotting, planning, and scheming for a wayto finally have a way to take over the rest of the world, and now, finally, the pieces were falling into place.

But as tempting as that was, I also wanted something else.

I wanted to taste her.

I wanted to see what kind of power flowed through her veins, what secrets her body could tell.

The thought was both tantalizing and forbidden, but the more I thought about it, the more alluring the idea became.

What were a few more days in the grand scheme of things?

I shook my head. I didn’t care what the seer had said. She was wrong. I would keep a level head and I would do what I needed to do when the time came and that was that.

Like I said, I would slit her pretty little throat myself.

First things first, though. I had to return home to Helheim, and I was going to bring her with me so she couldn’t escape. Once in my realm, she wouldn’t be able to return home.

She’d be mine.

My Dragonborne mate, whatever that meant…

And my sacrifice.

The final key to ultimate power.

Summoning the dark magic of my realm, I felt it coil around us like a living entity. The air crackled with energy, and the ground beneath us trembled. This use of power would not go unnoticed, especially by the Sun King, but it was a risk I had to take. I called on my magic, and a portal of swirling shadows opened before us.

Her gasp was audible as she saw the portal. She tried to pull away, but my grip was ironclad.

“No! Let me go!” she cried, her voice tinged with panicked desperation.

I couldn’t wait to hear what she sounded like when she screamed my name.

Was that too much? Fuck it. I was the Dark King. I would take what I wanted from her, and she’d take all of it and more whether she wanted it or not.

My cock hardened. I was looking forward to it.

Ignoring her pleas, I stepped into the portal, the shadows engulfing us both. The light of Sungard vanished, replaced by the cold, oppressive darkness of Helheim. The transition was just as jarring as it was every time and when the falling sensation of going through the portal finally abated, I felt a twisted sense of relief to be back where I reigned supreme.

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