Page 7 of Dark King

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The black handle was sleek, inlaid with intricate patterns of diamonds and amethysts that sparkled like trapped starlight. The hilt was adorned with carvings of ancient runes, pulsating with a faint, otherworldly purple glow, hinting at the powerful magic infused within the blade. This was no ordinary dagger; that much was clear.

He wrenched my wrist back, turning my attention away from the dagger and straight back to him.

I gasped, tears of pain and frustration welling in my eyes.

“Let go of me!” I demanded.

His grip remained firm, his expression unreadable. “You’ve got spirit, I’ll give you that,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “But you’re out of your depth, little thief.”

I struggled against his hold, but it was like trying to move a mountain. He pulled me closer, his gaze intense and unyielding.

“Your destiny is not something you can fight. You will come with me, willingly or not.”

Panic surged through me, but beneath it was a spark of something else—determination. And I held onto that like it was a lifeline.

“I don’t believe in destiny,” I spat, trying to twist free.

His smile was cold. “You don’t have a choice, little thief.”

Before I could respond, he reached down and picked up the dagger, tucking it into his belt. With a swift, almost gentle motion, he swept me off my feet and threw me over his shoulder.

“Put me down!” I shouted, beating my fists against his back. “I won’t go with you!”

He ignored my protests, his grip unyielding.

“You’ll go wherever I take you, little thief,” he growled.



The Dark King

I didn’t have the patience for such a weakling, a human at that, and yet, as the girl thrashed over my shoulder, I found her will admirable, tempting even.

“I told you to put me down,” she shouted, her voice high and clear.

She beat against my back with her tiny fists, and I sighed. She was certainly going to need that spirit for what was coming for her next.

“And I told you that you’re coming with me,” I said, my tone unyielding.

She struggled once more, but I didn’t let her down. Honestly, her attempt to escape me was laughable, but I didn’t voice my opinion, instead just chuckling to myself as I smacked her asshard enough to make her yelp. Her whimpers were like music to my ears, and I grinned as I walked through the streets.

Now what was I to do with her?

The moment I had set eyes on her, I knew she had been the one the seer had warned me about, her golden eyes glinting in the sunlight. They were mesmerizing, a color so rare it was almost otherworldly. Maybe even magical.

Her dark hair cascaded around her face in wild, untamed waves, framing features that were ethereally beautiful. High cheekbones, a small, defiant little nose, and full lips that would have been tempting if I weren’t focused on the power she represented, or what her sacrifice could grant me in the end.

Her skin, though marred with the grime of the streets, hinted at a softness and warmth that was wholly foreign to me. Each time she twisted and turned, trying to free herself, I could feel the raw energy coursing through her veins.

Dragon magic.

Because that’s what she was, a girl with dragon magic coursing through her veins, whether she knew it or not.

I glanced down at her as I carried her through the darkened streets, my mind racing. I needed to get her back to Helheim, away from the prying eyes and the relentless sunlight of Sungard. It wasn’t safe for me here. Away from Helheim, my power was weakened and if the Sun King knew I was walking his streets, he would have attacked long ago.

There was something about her, something that was drawing me in. Maybe it was just excitement over finally finding the lastpiece of the puzzle or maybe it was just curiosity about her. I didn’t know. I didn’t much care either.

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