Page 57 of Dark King

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“Foolish girl,” he spat, raising his sword for the killing blow. “You think you can challenge me?”

I scrambled back, my hands searching desperately for the dagger, but it was out of reach, lost somewhere in the chaos. Panic surged through me as I realized how close I was to death, the commander looming over me like an executioner.

I was going to die here.

But just as the sword began to fall, the hellhound slammed into the commander with all its weight, knocking him off balanceand sending him staggering backward. The sword missed me by inches, burying itself in the ground where I had been just a moment before.

The hellhound didn’t let up. It snarled viciously, its jaws closing around the commander’s arm, the one that held the sword. The commander roared in pain, struggling to free himself, but the hellhound was relentless, its powerful jaws crushing the armor like it was made of paper.

This was my chance. Summoning every ounce of strength that I had left, I scrambled to my feet and rushed toward the dagger. My fingers closed around the hilt, and without even a second’s hesitation, I whirled back toward the commander.

He was still grappling with the hellhound, his sword arm pinned in the beast’s jaws, but I could see the fury in his eyes as he fought to break free. He was strong, stronger than I had imagined, and it wouldn’t be long before he overpowered the hellhound.

I couldn’t let that happen.

I charged forward, the dagger poised for the kill. This time, I wouldn’t miss. Hurriedly, I aimed for his heart, the spot just beneath the breastplate where the armor was weakest.

With a cry of determination, I plunged the dagger into his chest, driving it in with all my strength. The blade sank deep, piercing through the armor and into flesh. The commander’s eyes widened in shock, a gasp of pain escaping his lips as he staggered back, the hellhound finally releasing him.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The commander looked down at the dagger buried in his chest and then back at me, as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened. Hestumbled, his knees buckling as he tried to stay upright, but the damage was done.

With a final, ragged breath, the commander fell to the ground, the light in his eyes flickering and then fading entirely. His sword slipped from his grasp, the blade clattering to the ground beside him.

I stood there, breathing hard, my hands trembling as I stared down at the lifeless body at my feet. I had done it. I had taken down one of the Sun King’s most powerful commanders. The realization hit me like a wave, a mix of disbelief and pride washing over me.

But there was no time to celebrate.

The battle raged on around me, and the victory, though significant, was only a small ripple in the storm that threatened to consume us all.

The hellhound stood by my side. It growled low, urging me to keep moving, to stay alert. I knew it was right—there was no time to rest, no time to let my guard down.

I glanced up at the sky, where Hades and the Sun King were still fighting, their battle shaking the very heavens. The flashes of fire and shadow lit up the darkened sky.

But something felt wrong. I could sense it, a shift in the air, a growing tension that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Hades was strong, but the Sun King was relentless. For the first time, I saw the Dark King falter, his massive wings beating desperately as he tried to hold his ground against the onslaught of golden fire.

Panic tightened in my chest. I could see that Hades was losing ground, and if he fell, I didn’t know what I would do, but I knew I didn’t want to lose him. I had to do something—anything—to help him, but I was just one person, standing in the midst of a war that was far beyond my control.

No. I wassomeone.

I could make a difference.

A strange feeling began to build within me. It was as if something deep inside me was stirring, awakening in response to the danger that loomed over us. The air around me seemed to hum with energy, a low, thrumming pulse that matched the rhythm of my racing heart.

As the battle raged around me, the sound of clashing steel and roaring dragons filling the air, I felt a sudden warmth against my chest. My amethyst necklace began to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

A soft violet light radiated from the gem, growing brighter with each passing second. I could feel the energy coursing through the necklace, traveling up the chain and into my body, and I breathed in deep, my body simmering with power.

The hellhound nudged me again, a sense of urgency in its eyes as it growled low. It was almost as if it could sense what was happening, as if it knew that something within me was changing.

I clenched the dagger tightly, my knuckles white as I fought to understand what was happening. The energy inside me was growing, spreading through my veins like liquid fire. It wasn’t just adrenaline—this was something else, something more powerful, more ancient.

And then, in a flash, it all became clear.

It was magic.

The seer’s words echoed in my mind, words I hadn’t fully understood until this moment.

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