Page 43 of Dark King

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I marveled at the beauty and strangeness of the garden, feeling a sense of calm wash over me despite the darkness that surrounded us. There was a sense of tranquility here, one I didn’t quite expect.

When he finally guided me toward the grand castle gates, my curiosity grew in leaps and bounds. The heavy iron doors creaked open, revealing the sprawling landscape of the realm of Helheim beyond.

The sky looked like a swirling painting of dark purples and deep blues. Twisted, leafless trees with gnarled branches stood likesilent sentinels amidst the rolling hills and jagged mountains. The ground was covered in a thick, misty fog that clung to everything, giving the impression that the very air was alive with shadows.

Glowing lakes of an ethereal, ghostly light dotted the terrain, their surfaces shimmering with a sort of luminescence. Lightning pierced through the air far in the distance, lighting up the mountain peaks that spanned along the horizon.

It was a hauntingly beautiful scene.

Hades stopped at the threshold, turning to face me. “There is something else I want to show you,” he said, his voice low and intense.

Before I could ask what he meant, he stepped out into the open, his human form beginning to shift and change. I watched in awe and fear as his body elongated and grew, his skin transforming into gleaming black scales that shimmered with a deep purple sheen.

As his body expanded, the dark scales spread like a rippling wave, each one catching the soft light and reflecting it back in deep, iridescent shades of purple and black. The scales were as smooth as polished obsidian, yet I knew they were as hard as the strongest armor, impervious to almost any attack.

His wings were vast and powerful, stretching out with a span that could easily overshadow the largest castle towers. The membranes between the bones were thin yet sturdy, like a fine fabric woven with threads of shadow and night. When fully extended, the wings created a canopy of darkness, casting a foreboding shadow over the ground below.

Hades’ head was long and angular with sharp, menacing horns that curled back from his brow. His snout was elongated, and his nostrils flared as he breathed, releasing small puffs of dark smoke into the air.

Sharp, jagged spines ran down the length of his back. His tail was long and sinuous, ending in a barbed point that could strike with lethal precision. His claws were massive, each one as long as a sword and sharper than a blade.

As he moved, his muscles rippled beneath the scales. There was a lethal grace to his movements, each step a display of controlled strength as he peered down at me from far above.

I swallowed hard.


His massive frame filled the courtyard, and the power radiating from him was palpable. His blazing violet eyes locked onto mine, and then he did something unexpected—he lowered his enormous head, his body sinking closer to the ground, as if inviting me to climb onto his back.

I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest, but my curiosity won out.

Summoning all my courage, I stepped forward and grasped one of the jagged spines running down his back. The scales were cool and smooth under my fingers, their texture like polished stone. I pulled myself up, finding footholds between the spines, and settled onto the broad expanse of his back. The ridges and spines provided a natural grip, and I clung to them tightly, my heart racing with a mix of fear and exhilaration.

In a powerful, fluid motion, Hades spread his massive wings outward. The air around us almost seemed to tremble as he prepared to take off. I tightened my grip, pressing myself closer to his back as his wings beat the air, creating a strong downdraft that sent dust and leaves swirling around us.

Then, with a sudden, powerful thrust, Hades launched into the sky. The castle and the ground quickly fell away beneath us. The wind whipped past me, and I held on tightly to the spines along his back, my fingers gripping the rough edges as we soared higher and higher.

The landscape of Helheim stretched out beneath us. From this height, the beauty and desolation of the realm were even more striking. We soared through the twilight sky, and for a brief, exhilarating moment, I forgot about everything.

This was incredible.

Hades’ powerful wings beat rhythmically, each stroke propelling us further into the sky. The wind roared in my ears, and the landscape below transformed into a blur of shadows and eerie lights.

We flew over dark forests, twisted mountains, and glowing lakes. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the scent of earth and the faint, metallic tang of magic. Despite the inherent danger of riding a dragon, I felt a strange sense of freedom and awe.

As the flight continued, I began to relax slightly, my grip on his spines loosening as I took in the breathtaking views.

It was mesmerizing.

After what felt like an eternity of soaring through the twilight sky, Hades began to descend. The ground rose up to meet us,and I noticed we were approaching a secluded area surrounded by towering cliffs.

Nestled within the rocky terrain was a steamy hot spring, its waters glowing with a soft, luminescent light. The steam rose in delicate tendrils, creating an almost mystical atmosphere. There was a black sandy beach next to the lake and I looked longingly at it, wondering if it would feel good to bask on the beach in the moonlight and then soak in the lovely water.

Hades landed gracefully at the edge of the hot spring, his massive frame settling onto the ground with surprising gentleness. I carefully climbed down from his back, my legs trembling slightly from the adrenaline and excitement of the flight. The air here was warmer, and the sound of the bubbling spring was soothing.

“This place is beautiful,” I murmured, unable to tear my eyes away from the glowing water.

Hades transformed back into his human form, his violet eyes still gleaming with that otherworldly light.

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