Page 38 of Dark King

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I sat down at a nearby table and began to read, letting myself be distracted for a little while. The book detailed the Dark King’srise to power, his domination of Helheim, and the terror he wielded over the realm.

He was a force of nature, born from a lineage of Dragonborne warriors whose blood ran thick with ancient, untamed magic, supernatural strength, and unnaturally long life. His rise to power had been brutal, marked by battles that left entire cities in ashes. Stories of his wrath were whispered in hushed tones—how he had obliterated entire armies with a mere flick of his hand, how he had sealed away those who defied him in endless torment, never to see the light again.

Over the course of more than a thousand years, he had become a legend, a myth that haunted the dreams of those who dared to oppose him. His power was absolute, his will unyielding, and his heart—if he even had one—was as cold and unforgiving as the realm he commanded.

The book also spoke of a great betrayal, but details surrounding the whole thing were sparse. A woman, described as his only love, had turned against him. Consumed by rage and sorrow, the Dark King had transformed into the fearsome ruler he was now.

I couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to him than the man I had come to know.

My mind wandered back to our time together.

The king had made sure I was well taken care of, providing me with comforts I hadn’t experienced in years. He had punished me, yes, but he hadn’t truly hurt me, despite his ability to do so. His touch, though commanding, had been surprisingly gentle at times, his gaze intense but not devoid of warmth.

The way he looked at me sometimes, with a mix of curiosity and something deeper, made me question if there was still humanityleft within him, buried beneath layers of pain and darkness. Could it be that the Dark King wasn’t as evil as he seemed? Was there a part of him that still remembered what it was like to be human, to feel love and compassion?

It even made me wonder if there was something between us.

Before I could think on that any further, the sound of footsteps in the passageway jolted me from my thoughts. There wasn’t enough time for me to jump up and return to the hidden door, so I gulped down a breath of air and held my ground.

“You’re not supposed to be here,” a woman purred. I looked up, startled by her appearance.

The woman who stood before me was striking, her presence commanding the room. Her hair was raven black, flowing down her back in shiny, silky waves. The left side of her face was flawless, with high cheekbones and piercing violet eyes that seemed to see right through me. In contrast, the skin of the right side of her face was heavily scarred, tinged with black burns as if they had never fully healed, marring what had once been a beautiful face. The juxtaposition was jarring, making her seem both beautiful and terrifying at once.

“Who are you?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

The woman smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. Her presence made me feel uneasy and I drew in a shaky breath, holding my ground.

“My name is Mais,” she said smoothly. “I serve the Dark King.”

I hesitated, then asked, “What happened to your face?”

Her eyes darkened, and she glanced away for a moment before meeting my gaze again. “I failed the Dark King once. This was my punishment.” She lifted her chin, her voice steady.

I felt a pang of sympathy for her. Now this, this was the kind of cruelty that the Dark King was capable of. For a moment, it left my head reeling but then I thought about how he was with me, how he could have hurt me like that, but he hadn’t.

He’d simply spanked me and tortured me with his tongue. There was nothing about either instance that had been cruel. Maybe there was more to him after all…

“I’m sorry,” I said softly.

Mais waved a hand dismissively. “It is in the past. What matters now is that you tread carefully, Aria. The king’s wrath is not something you wish to invoke.”

“I understand,” I replied.

With a haughty expression, she just looked me up and down, and I got the distinct feeling that she didn’t like me, but I had no clue as to why.

“What are you doing outside the king’s chambers?” Mais asked, her voice dripping with suspicion, but I didn’t let it get to me.

“I’m not trying to cause trouble,” I said, my voice tinged with what I hoped sounded like innocence. I got the distinct feeling that Mais wasn’t my friend and wouldn’t help me escape.

Mais took a step closer, her gaze intense. “The king is wasting his time with you.”

I bristled at her words. “Why do you say that?”

“The king is blinded by whatever he sees in you. He has ruled Helheim for centuries. Your presence here is a distraction he cannot afford. Especially not now.” She stopped, almost as if she was going to say something else, and my hackles rose a bit in suspicion.

“What do you mean, ‘not now’?” I pressed, sensing there was more she wasn’t telling me.

Mais’ eyes flickered with something—anger, perhaps jealousy.

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