Page 13 of Dark King

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Sure, maybe I deserved it. He was right about several things. I had not only stolen from him, but I’d slapped him and spit in his face, but that didn’t stop the fact that this hurt and I’d more than learned my lesson to show the king proper respect.

I’d just curse him out in my head instead. He’d never find out that way.

Tears stung my eyes, and my breath was coming in ragged gasps, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying out. I would take this punishment and I would endure. Hell, I’d survived several trips over my father’s knee as a child and I would survive this just the same, although the longer this went on, the more I questioned how much more I could take.

Just when I thought I couldn’t bear another smack, the Dark King paused. His hand moved lower, sliding between my thighs.

I froze.

He couldn’t possibly…

Oh, gods.

He did.

As soon as his fingers grazed my wet slit, I stiffened and tried to reach back to push his hand away, which only resulted in him pinning my arm behind my back.

“Bad girl, clearly I’m not spanking you hard enough when you have a pussy this wet,” he murmured and I covered my face with my hands, ashamed.

How could I be turned on by this? What was wrong with me? Why was I like this?

I should be angry, furious even, but all I could feel was warmth tingling from the tips of my toes all the way to the ends of my fingers. My core squeezed tight, and I bit my lip, trying to keep a moan from slipping free.

I felt his fingers stroke along my slit, and my traitorous body responded instantly, the slickness from my arousal coating his fingers.

No. No. This couldn’t be happening.

This wasnothappening.

His fingers found my clit and a lightning bolt of pleasure spiked through me at his unexpected touch. I jerked, gasping at the sensation.

This was wrong. This was all wrong.

He was supposed to be punishing me. This was supposed to hurt. I wasn’t supposed to want him to keep touching me until I shattered right there all over his fingers.

“Don’t! Stop!” I protested, hoping he would listen, but deep down in my heart, I knew he wouldn’t.

Somehow, his touch was both gentle and demanding, and before I knew what was happening, my hips were rocking upward, almost like I was seeking him out.

I stilled immediately, trying to keep a level head, but quickly losing myself. I forced myself to think about the fact that he had just torn my clothes off with his claws and then spanked me like a child, which only seemed to turn me on even more. I thought of myself lying naked over his knee, my bottom bright pink and his heavy hand poised to spank me once more and a frisson of pleasure shot straight down to the very same clit he was currently touching.

To make matters worse, his touch was skilled, like he had done this a thousand times before and my body was responding against my will.

I was helpless and completely at his mercy. All I could do was squirm and gasp and hopefully keep myself from moaning as my cheeks burned with abject shame.

The longer this went on, the more I realized the inevitable.

I was going to come, right here with my ass freshly spanked and the Dark King’s fingers between my thighs.

“Please! I don’t want this,” I protested, but his dark chuckle told me that, without a sliver of doubt, this wasn’t up to me. I was going to come whether I wanted to or not.

He was going to force me to.

Oh, fuck. That should not be as hot as it was.

His fingers circled my clit, stroking the sensitive bud until my hips were rolling in tune with his movements, my body begging for the release only he could provide, and I hated myself for it.

“You’re going to come and then I’m going to finish the punishment you’ve more than earned, little thief,” he threatened.

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