Page 11 of Dark King

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I stared at him, my heart pounding in my chest. I would fight with every ounce of strength I had, no matter the cost.

“You will not break me,” I spat and then he reached down, gripped the back of my neck, and hauled me to my feet. He dragged me to him, and his violet eyes glowed in the dim light, his smile turning into something much darker. My breath caught in my throat.

Oh, gods. What was he going to do next?

I didn’t have time to consider it as his grip tightened, his fingers digging into the delicate skin of my throat. He pulled me toward him until our faces were inches apart.

“You’re a foolish girl, little thief,” he snarled, his voice dripping with venom, “but you’ll learn to obey me in time.”

I moved to slap him again, but his other hand reached out and caught my wrist in his grasp. I tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong, and I gritted my teeth.

“I will not heed your command, you beast,” I said, my voice barely a whisper as his hand tightened around my throat.

“You will refer to me properly, little thief, or you won’t speak at all,” he growled.

I didn’t think about what I did next. I just did it.

I spat in his face.

He wiped the spittle from his face and sighed, the sound filled with a mixture of disappointment and amusement and something else. I glared up at him, refusing to cower, despite the rampant fear racing through me right now.

He shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips.

“Bold. Very bold. Remember this moment. Remember that you forced my hand, bad girl, because you took it too far and now, I’m going to have to punish you,” he said, and I struggled in his grasp with as much fight as I could.

He dragged me forward. The flames seemed to flare up in response to his presence, the malevolent glow casting him in an even more terrifying light, and I gasped at the sight, but I was quickly distracted by him letting my wrist go.

In an instant, his hands were tearing at my clothing. The fabric shredded beneath his strong fingers, and he yanked off my shirt, leaving me in nothing more than a chest wrap. He gripped the cloth and tore it off of me too, spinning me around in the process.

My hands quickly went to cover my breasts as they bounced free and I shivered, suddenly feeling more vulnerable than ever as the cool air of the throne room caressed my skin.

My heart was racing, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. What was he going to do to me? Was there anything I could do to save myself?

He reached down and grabbed a fistful of my hair. With a quick, hard tug, he pulled my head back, forcing me to look at him. He held up his hand in front of my face and I squeaked in surprise as his nails lengthened into claws.

My blood ran cold.

The rumors were true.

The Dark King was a monster.

My breathing was ragged and shallow, and my body trembled in fear as he brought the claw of his index finger to the underside of my chin.

“I’m going to enjoy what happens next far more than you will,” he warned.

Then he took that same clawed hand and ripped through my cloth pants, tearing them away from me and leaving me in nothing more than a pair of boots. As each strip of fabric fell to the floor, my breathing quickened, and my heart pounded frantically in my chest. I struggled as hard as I could, but he batted my hands away as easily as if I were nothing but a gnat.

Then my pants were gone and I was entirely bare, save for my boots. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

I was naked before the evil king.

Shivering with shame, I just stood there for a second in shock, trying to cover myself with my hands, my eyes wide with terror. He let go of my hair and grabbed my wrists, pulling them awayfrom my body, and his gaze raked over me, devouring me. I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling very unsure of myself. It was as if he had removed my armor from me and now, I was defenseless.

I didn’t know what to do.

He grinned, his smirk malignant, cold, and dark.

“You will learn to respect me, little thief,” he murmured, sending a shiver down my spine.

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