Page 49 of Dragon Chosen

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There was suchan emotion of disgust in Gottspake’s voice that I cast a questioning look at Will. He shook his head and pressed a finger against his lips. I quieted my curiosity, at least for the moment.

Gottspake set the rest of the deck of cards between the death card and the corrupted one with their faces down. She tapped the top and a soft glow of purple light emanated from the pack. The dozen cards around the table also came to life with an eerie glow. The death card was the sole exception for the color in which its dark light was coal-black. A red light emanated from the eye sockets of the skeleton and I couldn’t help but be reminded of the residents of Grimton.

Gottspake closed her eyes and stretched her arms over the table so she cradled the portal between them. She splayed her fingers and her palms pointed downward. The glow around the cards grew brighter and the portal quivered. She clenched her teeth and the card glow flowed upward to surround the swirling darkness.

The portal wasn’t going to reveal its secrets without a fight. The black magic spun faster and began to grow larger. I gasped and leaned away from the table. Magic threads shot out ofthe void and slammed into the ones on the top. The dozen cards rattled and some of their corners began to curl as though touched by fire.

The death card, however, had other ideas. My mouth fell open as the skeleton reached behind its cloaked back and drew out an impressive scythe. Death lifted its weapon and cut the thread attached to its prison. The portal shuddered and the other threads flickered.

Its weakened hold meant the other cards took their chance. They drew out weapons of their own, everything from swords to sardines, and hacked and sliced at the dark magic that bound them to the portal. One by one, the columns were severed and the portal shrank with each slice until the last one was cut. The portal shuddered and shriveled to nothing, at which point the connection to the card sank back into the face and the magic was extinguished.

Gottspake lowered her arms and the glow around the other cards vanished. She set her hands on the table and bowed her head before she let out a shuddered sigh. Her face was pale and her hands shook a little.

“Are you alright?” Will asked her.

She lifted her chin and nodded. “Quite alright. I was merely surprised by how much effort was needed to exorcise the magic.”

“Can you still trace the point of contact for the portal?” Will wondered.

“Oh yes,” Gottspake assured him as she plucked the lantern man’s card from the table. “The card is once more in my power but it still has the memory of that wretched magic within it.” She flicked her finger and thumb against the face and a soft purple light emanated from the card.

A thread of magic shot upward and recreated the portal but in purple. Gottspake pulled the portal so it hovered over her head and then she stood. My mouth dropped open when herhead disappeared into the vortex. She moved her head to and fro before she dropped back down into her chair. The portal vanished and she set the card on the table face-down.

“Well, that was rather interesting,” she mused as a sly smile slipped onto her lips.

“You recognize the other end?” Will inquired.

She shook her head. “Not at all. The portal appears to lead to a secret room inside a clapboard building. However, I could smell the scent of a special snake oil I use on my skin to keep me refreshed. The scent was so overpowering that I can only assume it was the processing plant.”

“And where is that?”

“That I don’t know, but you might try asking the owner,” she suggested as she picked up the other cards. “His name is Lord Simon Baddock.”

Will lifted an eyebrow. “I know the name but I wasn’t familiar with his being a lord.”

“He wasn’t until a few years ago,” she revealed as she tucked the deck back into the drawer. “His contributions to the beauty of the ladies of the city earned him the unofficial title. You can find his shop in the perfume district. It’s impossible to miss.”

Will smiled and bowed his head. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Gottspake stood and shook her head. “Not at all. Please ask if you need my help with anything else that will lead to the thief and their client.”

“Of course,” Will assured her as he rose to his feet while I followed suit.

Gottspake escorted us to the front door where she brushed her hand against mine. I paused on the threshold and looked behind me to find a gentle smile on her lips. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Thorn. I hope we can speak again under better circumstances.”

I smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”

We slipped out and found Raines waiting for us with the reins in hand. I plopped myself down while Will caught the eye of his servant. “Torch.”

He hopped inside and the carriage rolled down the short driveway.

“Torch?” I repeated.

Will nodded. “We should return to Torch and tell him what we learned and see if he has any insights into Baddock.”

“Do you know the guy?” I asked him.

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