Page 46 of Dragon Chosen

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My mouth dropped open and even Will was taken aback. “I don’t believe I quite heard you correctly,” he choked out.

Her eyes danced with a devilish mirth. “I wish for her to stab you. I would suggest the chest. You will not miss that location.”

“I-I-” I couldn’t choke out my words until I swallowed hard. “You’re joking, right?”

The Arbiter shook her head. “Not at all, but if you feel nervous about my suggestion then-” She stood and stretched out her arms on either side of her, “-you may stab me through.”

“Will,” I squeaked out as I looked to my lover for help.

“This is quite an unusual request, even for you, Arbiter,” Will pointed out.

She smiled at the two of us. “You need not worry. I assure you there is no need to worry.”

My eyes flickered between the flaming sword in my hand and our hostess. Her eyes glimmered with a trust that swept away my doubt. I tightened my grip on my weapon and drew it back. A prayer passed through my mind before I stabbed the tip of the flame into the Arbiter’s stomach.

And nothing happened.

Well, almost nothing. The flame receded to the point where it didn’t touch even the Arbiter’s beautiful dress. I drew the sword out and the flame rekindled itself, stretching to its original length.

“See?” the Arbiter told me as she gestured down at herself. “You cannot hurt anyone who is no threat to you.”

I lifted the sword so the blade burned brightly in front of me and studied the hot flames. “Wow.” The flame vanished and a few bits of specks burst out to fall to the floor. I started back and blinked at my empty hand before I looked up at the Arbiter. “What happened? Why’d it disappear like that?”

“Magic does not last very long in my domain,” she explained as she swept her eyes over the tapestry-covered walls. “And I would be disappointed if my works were to catch fire.”

“Then I can bring it out again on my own, right?” I asked her.

She smiled at me. “Your powers will always be there when you need them.”

“Then we won’t use any more of your time,” Will spoke up as he looped an arm around my waist.

The Arbiter shook her head. “It was a pleasure to see you two, and it has been far too long since we last spoke. Always know that my door is open to both of you.”

Will bowed his head and I clumsily did the same. We turned and strolled toward the door which I noticed was a beautiful piece of woodwork on this side of the wall. Our fantasticalsurroundings begged for me to ask questions but I had the feeling I would only receive a coy smile from our hostess.

We stepped out into the late morning sun and the dreariness of the outside world compared to the bright interior was quite a shock. Will helped me into the carriage and looked up at Raines before he popped inside. “Gottspake.”

Will slipped into the cab and settled into the seat beside me as the carriage rolled forward along the bumpy road. By this time, I was bursting with questions. Will beat me to it. “I don’t know.”

I blinked at him. “Don’t know what?”

“The answers to most of your questions,” he revealed as he smiled down at me. “How the Arbiter has created such a place and how she never ages. I met her seven hundred years ago and she is the same now as she was then.”

“So what about her loom?” I wondered.

He stared ahead and he took on a thoughtful expression. “She did tell me that she weaves the stories people forget.”

“And she never runs out of wool?” I guessed.

He shook his head. “Never.”

“And never leaves?”

“Not that I’m aware.”

I slumped a little in my seat. “Your world certainly has some strange mysteries.”

Will slipped his hand into mine and I looked up into his twinkling eyes. “Our world.”

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