Page 66 of Spells and Bones

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Our curiosity was satiated when a soldier marched up the street. He purposefully headed us off and forced us to stop. “What brings you out here?”

“A cab and a lift,” Ben informed him as he looked about. “But what’s the matter? Where has everyone gone?”

“Scared mostly,” the soldier mused as he, too, inspected the area. “Everyone’s heard of the dead rising from their graves, so they’re staying home if they can.”

“And the others?” I wondered.

“By the emperor’s orders, people should stay indoors,” the soldier informed me. “The Plaza is still open, if you can find a booth willing to serve you. As for cabs, they are sparse, but still around. Would you like me to help you find one?”

Ben shook his head. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I’m sure we’ll find one soon enough.”

“Where are you traveling to?” the soldier wondered as he looked us over.

Ben drew me closer to his side and grinned. “Just a little pre-wedding shopping for my lovely friend here. It isn’t too long now.”

A smile slipped onto the soldier’s lips. “I see. Well, I wish you two the best. Good day.” He inclined his head and continued down the street.

I looked up at Ben with a slightly bemused expression. “You’re going to give your mom more ideas.”

“I hope so,” he returned with a twinkle in his eyes as we continued on our way.

We finally found a cab near the Plaza and drove to the Halls of Joy. Everything was as quiet as the catacombs as Ben helped me down from the cab. A pair of soldiers stood in front of the hall entrance, and we found another soldier guarding the door to the business corridor.

“Where are the usual two guys?” I asked the stoic soldier.

“Sent home,” the soldier replied as he gave Ben and me a sharp look. “Where you two should be.”

Ben gave him a bright smile. “We’re expected by Wexelman, the manager.”

The soldier shook his head. “I’m under orders to let no one pass unless they’re accompanied by someone currently working here. Are you currently working here?”

“Well, not exactly,” Ben answered as he cupped his chin in one hand. “But that does remind me of a good story about a workman and his ass.”

While Ben regaled the annoyed soldier with the tale, I noticed my companion slip his other hand into his pocket and draw out his balled fist. He flicked his wrist and a thin black object fell to the ground at his feet. I watched from the bottoms of my eyes as the shadow formed into a rat and scurried underneath the door.

The soldier hadn’t noticed. “Sir, this is all very interesting, but if you have noofficialbusiness here then I suggest you leave at once.”

At that moment, the door opened and Wexelman stepped out. He had the most serious look on his face that I’d ever seen on him. He caught the eye of the soldier. “They’re with me.”

The soldier’s irritated mood darkened even further. “You were warned not to allow visitors.”

“These are part of the band crew,” Wexelman told him. “Animportantpart.”

The soldier’s eyes reflected his thinking, and a moment later he stepped aside. “Very well, but I won’t allow any more through. It’s my orders.”

Wexelman gave Ben a knowing look before he led us inside. The manager didn’t breathe a single word until he directed us into his office. He opened the door and was the last to enter, and he slammed the door shut with a little more force than necessary.

Wexelman marched to the other side of the desk upon which the rat shadow sat and turned to face us when he stabbed a finger at the darkness. “What the hell is this?”

“A rat call,” Ben teased as he pulled out a seat for me.

Wexelman slammed his fist on his desk. “Damn it, Ben, I’ve had enough trouble today without your bullshit jokes! This rat told me I needed to get you guys inside because I’d want to hear the news you had before the soldiers did. Now what the hell is going on?”

I hesitantly sat down and twisted my head around as Ben pursed his lips. “We suspect your client is behind the raising of the dead.”


There was a long,silent moment before Wexelman scoffed. “Even if I wanted to believe that, why would he do it? The show might not even happen unless someone stops all these dead guys from getting up out of their beds.”

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