Page 19 of Spells and Bones

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“I often take a month to decide,” he quipped as he led me to the door while Ferox trotted into the stable.

The rear entrance opened and Tully made his appearance. There was a strange look on his face, so much so that Ben stopped in front of him and frowned. “Is something the matter?”

Tully stretched out one hand and showed off a pile of envelopes of all shades of white. Ben lifted an eyebrow at his servant. “Did all of these arrive this morning?” Tully nodded.

Ben released my arm and took the envelope. He rifled through them, silently reading the names. I peeked over his shoulder and noticed some nice script on the back. “What is it?”

He shook his head. “I’m not sure, but these are a number of my acquaintances throughout the city.” A whinny from Ferox reminded us that the horse was still harnessed to the carriage. Ben looked up at his servant. “Is lunch prepared?” Tully nodded. “Then if you could handle Ferox while I see what this-” He held up the pile and waved them to and fro, “-is all about.”


Tully bowedhis head and disappeared into the stable. Ben and I slipped into the house and were soon seated at the dining table. A sweet aroma of cooked food wafted out of the kitchen, and I couldn’t help but lift my nose and briefly appreciate its delicious smell before my curiosity turned my attention turned to Ben.

Ben had set the envelopes down in front of him and sliced one open. He drew out a folded slip of cream-colored paper and unfurled the parchment. A smile curled onto his lips as his eyes scanned the letter.

I couldn’t take the suspense any longer. “Well?”

His twinkling eyes as he peeked over the top of the paper. “It appears many of my acquaintances have heard of the rumor of our betrothal.”

I winced. “How many?”

Ben dropped his gaze to the pile on the cushion beside him. “I would say quite a few.”

I lowered my head and studied the pile from its height. “Maybe some of them are bills.”

He chuckled as he set the letter down and spread the envelopes across the table in a fan shape so all the addresses were revealed. “These were all sent from private addresses and my business statements are sent to my accountant.”

My face drooped as I sat back in my chair. A thought struck me, and I stood and sauntered toward the kitchen.

Ben’s voice made me pause at the kitchen door. “Where are you going?”

I half-turned to him and grinned. “If I’m going to be mistress of the house I may as well make myself familiar with the kitchen. Besides, I want to help out Tully.”

I slipped inside and found myself in a large room with a flagstone floor. Cupboards covered much of the walls, but a large wood stove stood opposite the door. A pot boiled on the stove and a loaf of bread lay pre-sliced on its serving board.

I yelped as the door swung inward and bopped me on the butt. Ben chuckled as he stepped up to my side. “I thought I might help, as well.”

I rubbed my derrière and gave him a playful frown. “Helping me or you?”

“A little bit of both,” he teased as he moved over to the soup.

I took up the breadboard while he ladled us out some warm stew. In a few minutes, we had returned to the table and were munching away on our meal. Tully stepped into the room and his face fell a little.

Ben paused with a spoonful of soup in front of him and smiled at his servant. “There’s no need to worry, Tully. We won’t make a habit out of helping ourselves.” Tully pursed his lips, but bowed his head before he slipped into the kitchen.

My face fell as I leaned in close to Ben and lowered my voice to a whisper. “We didn’t insult him, did we?”

Ben shook his head. “Tully isn’t the kind of gentleman to take insult when none was given. He merely has his habits like all of us and interrupting those habits, even something as simple as serving food, upsets his schedule. We’ll make amends later by requesting tea.”

I sighed and absently stirred my soup. “Good. I don’t know many people around here, so I’d like to keep in the good graces of the people Idoknow.”

Ben’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he patted the pile of envelopes close at hand. “You could meet many more people, if you desired.”

I lifted an eyebrow at him. “How?”

“We could throw our own party, if to introduce you to society,” he pointed out.

I snorted. “Introduce me as what?”

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