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The mention of Ryan's name sparks that same fluttering awareness low in my belly. I force myself to concentrate on folding the stack of t-shirts in front of me, willing away the flush I feel creeping up my neck.

"Well, if you're positive it won't cause too many problems, I'd really appreciate being able to stay a little longer." I offer her a tremulous smile. "At least until I get back on my feet."

She returns the smile. "Of course. You're family, Jenna."

Despite Hannah's assurances, I can't shake the nagging awareness that, while she might think of me as family, I'm very much not. I'm alone. My parents passed away a few years ago, leaving a gaping void that nothing has managed to fill.

After we finish unpacking and organizing my new belongings, Hannah suggests a quick tour of the estate grounds.

"You've been cooped up in this room long enough," she declares, looping her arm through mine with a mischievous grin. "Time to stretch those legs and get the full Thorne estate experience."

I can't deny it will be nice to get some fresh air—not to mention a break from wallowing in anxious thoughts about Ryan. So I allow my best friend to whisk me outside, soaking in the breathtaking scenery as she leads me along a winding pathway.

The grand exterior of the Thorne estate is impressive, but it doesn't quite prepare me for the sprawling property thatsurrounds it. Lush forests and winding trails extend as far as the eye can see, with the occasional glimpse of other structures nestled among the trees. There's an undeniable sense of power and magic in the air, setting my nerves buzzingly alive.

Hannah points out various areas of interest as we stroll along a dirt path—the gardens where pack members grow herbs and produce, the training grounds where sparring and other physical activities take place, and finally, the large timber-framed building that serves as the pack's central hub.

"This is where most of our meetings and gatherings happen," she explains as we approach the structure. "We call it the Pack Building."

The moment we step through the heavy oak doors, the rich, earthy scents of cedar and pine envelop me. My gaze drifts across the soaring vaulted ceilings, the rough-hewn wooden beams and stone accents giving the space a warm, rustic ambiance. Despite its grand scale, the atmosphere manages to feel oddly intimate and cozy.

At the far end of the hall, I spot a group of people milling about, their curious stares immediately zeroing in on me. My steps falter, a tendril of unease unfurling in the pit of my stomach at their obvious scrutiny. These are Hannah's packmates, her family, and yet I feel profoundly out of place among them.

Hannah must sense my discomfort because she slides a reassuring arm around my shoulders, guiding me forward. "It's okay," she murmurs. "You're safe here."

I offer her a tight smile, trying to push past the nagging insecurity. These are her people, her inner circle. Of course, they would be wary of an outsider, a human, being granted access to their private den. I'm the one who doesn't belong.

We continue further into the hall, and I can't shake the prickling sensation of being watched, assessed, judged. Hannah exchanges polite greetings with a few of the pack members, but their focus remains fixated on me with undisguised interest and skepticism.

The sound of raucous laughter and jeering cuts through the crisp afternoon air, shattering the tranquil ambiance. Hannah tenses beside me, her shoulders squaring defensively. "Oh, wonderful," she mutters under her breath. "Here comes trouble..."

I follow her gaze to the far end of the training area, where a rowdy cluster of young men has materialized. At first glance, they could be regular frat boys horsing around, with their brawny physiques and rumpled clothing. But there's an unmistakable edge of danger lurking beneath their boisterous antics, a predatory undercurrent that sets me on edge.

The group notices our approach and immediately falls silent, their eyes zeroing in on me with undisguised hostility. One particularly tall, athletic blond separates from the pack, his hazel eyes glittering with a sneer as he stalks toward us.

"Well, well... look who we have here," he drawls, looking me over in a way that makes my skin crawl. "A pretty little human pet for Alpha Thorne."

The words drip with contempt, and I instinctively take a step back, bumping into Hannah's protective stance. She bristles, her eyes blazing.

"Back off, Liam," she growls in warning. "This is my best friend, Jenna, and she's under the pack's protection while staying with us."

His eyes blaze with contempt as they rake over me in an unmistakable challenge. "You can't seriously think it's a goodidea to have a human living among us, Hannah. After everything our kind has suffered because of them?" He jerks his chin toward the others watching our confrontation, his voice rising with self-righteous indignation. "The pack won't stand for it. Humans can't be trusted."

"That's enough."

The words slice through the tension like a blade, and I whip around to find Ryan striding toward us. Even in the dim lighting, his eyes seem to glitter with an uncanny preternatural glow as they sweep over the gathered crowd before locking onto me. A frisson of awareness shivers down my spine at the sheer intensity of his stare, that electric spark from last night crackling between us.

He turns to address Liam. "Is there a problem here?" His deep voice rumbles with thinly veiled authority.

Liam's cocky bravado seems to wither beneath Ryan's penetrating stare. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his expression warring between defiance and uncertainty. "It's just... why are we harboring a human among us?"

One dark brow arches in quiet rebuke. "Jenna is my sister's closest friend. She has suffered a terrible loss and is in need of our hospitality for the time being. That should be reason enough." His tone leaves no room for argument, but a muscle ticks in his strong jaw, betraying his mounting aggravation. "Unless her presence here poses a legitimate threat to the pack?"

A heavy silence falls over the group, but none dare challenge the unspoken warning in Ryan's words. He levels Liam with a pointed look, and the younger man's shoulders slump in reluctant surrender.

"No, alpha. No threat."

"Good." Ryan's gaze finds mine once more, holding my stare with a look of scorching intensity that leaves me feeling curiously exposed. "Because any harm that comes to Jenna during her stay will be on the heads of those who allowed it. Do I make myself clear?"

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