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I shrug, trying to play it off with a casual smile. "Guess you're bringing out the best in me."

We fall silent, the weight of unspoken truths hanging in the air. I can sense the shift in Jenna's demeanor, the way she visibly relaxes, as if my words have unlocked something within her.

As Jenna and I continue to enjoy our meal, the conversation flows easily. We're both relaxed, comfortable in each other's company, yet there's an undercurrent of something more. A connection that goes beyond mere attraction, something that cuts to the very core of who I am.

As I watch her laugh at one of my stories, the realization hits me like a bolt of lightning.

I love her.

Not just because she's my mate, not just because I'm drawn to her in a way that defies logic and reason. I love her for who she is. For her kindness, her strength, her unwavering belief in doing what's right. I think back to how she stood up for Chloe the other night, how she refused to back down even in the face of danger. It's a bravery that's rare, a courage that speaks to the kind of person Jenna is.

And I want to be a part of that. I want to stand by her side, to share in her joys and her struggles, to be the one she turns to for comfort and support. I want to be with her, not because destiny dictates it, but because I choose her. Because she's Jenna, and there's no one else I'd rather be with.

"Ryan?" Jenna's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, and I blink, realizing that I've been staring at her for God knows how long. "Are you okay?"

I smile at her, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yeah, Jenna. I'm more than okay."

As the evening wears on, the heated exchanges and shared laughter—they've all conspired to craft an intimate atmosphere rife with romantic tension.

Jenna seems to sense the shift as well, her movements growing subtly more restrained, her gaze more guarded. Yet, beneath the surface, I can scent her burgeoning desire—a heady, musky fragrance that stirs the beast within to wakefulness.

Part of me longs to draw out this enchanting interlude, to bask in Jenna's radiant presence for as long as fate will allow. Yet, a darker part—the alpha, ever conscious of duty and obligation—warns that I'm treading down a dangerous path.

The candlelight flickers, casting dancing shadows across Jenna's features and accentuating the alluring curve of her lips. My gaze lingers there, drawn in by the promise of their softness, their warmth. A primal hunger stirs within me, urging me to lean across the table and claim her mouth with mine.

I shift in my seat, suddenly too aware of the confines of my clothing, of the way my muscles tense with restrained desire. Jenna's scent, rich and intoxicating, seems to permeate every fiber of my being, igniting a smoldering blaze that threatens to consume me whole.

Beneath the table, my foot brushes against hers, the contact sending a jolt of electricity through us both. Jenna's breath catches, her pupils dilating as her gaze locks with mine. Anunspoken challenge passes between us, a silent dare to see how far we'll go.

My wolf, ever the opportunist, growls in approval. He recognizes the shift in our dynamic, the way the air crackles with the promise of something more primal, more visceral. This is no mere flirtation, no casual dalliance. This is the dance of mates, an age-old ritual that transcends human conventions.

And now that I've tasted the forbidden fruit, felt the searing heat of Jenna's passion against my skin, my wolf howls for more. He demands that I claim her, mark her as mine in a way that cannot be undone. Consequences be damned—the thought of any other alpha laying claim to her is enough to ignite a blinding fury within me.

Yet, even as my instincts rage, a small voice of reason lingers. I know that to act on these desires would be to court disaster. The pack elders, still clinging to their antiquated prejudices, would never sanction a union between their alpha and a human. Dissent would spread like wildfire, threatening to tear the very fabric of our society asunder.

But as Jenna's foot slides along the length of my calf, her gaze smoldering with unspoken promises, I find myself caring less and less about the consequences. The hunt has begun, and the prize—the only thing that matters—is the woman sitting before me, her very essence calling out to the beast within.

A feral grin curves my lips as the first tendrils of a plan take shape. Soon, the entire pack will know of my intentions—and those who dare stand against me will be met with the full, unrelenting force of an alpha's wrath.

The hunt has begun.

And the prize... is everything.

Chapter 8


My hands move with practiced ease as I assemble the layers of lasagna. This familiar ritual of preparing my grandmother's beloved recipe has always brought me comfort, like being wrapped in a warm embrace. But today, the simple act of cooking takes on a greater significance – it's my small way of expressing gratitude to the Thorne family.

Since the devastating fire that ravaged my cozy home, the grand Thorne estate has become an unexpected sanctuary amidst the upheaval. Yet, no matter how warm their hospitality, a lingering sense of displacement tugs at me.

My fingers smooth the final layer of noodles, and I brush away a stray strand of auburn hair that has escaped my messy bun. A contented sigh escapes my lips as I slide the ceramic dish into the oven.

As I begin tidying the flour-dusted counters, my thoughts drift to the catalyst of this newfound chaos – Ryan Thorne. The alpha's gruff demeanor and brooding intensity had initially intimidated me, a fragile human intruding upon his primal world.

"Smells amazing in here," a deep, familiar voice rumbles from behind me. "Didn't know you could cook like this."

I whirl around, my heart leaping into my throat at the sight of Ryan standing in the doorway. Even in his casual attire, he exudes an aura of raw power and masculinity that leaves me breathless. His piercing blue eyes bore into me, sparking a delicious warmth that spreads through my veins.

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