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I pause at a window, looking out at the campus grounds without really seeing them. My reflection stares back at me, and I see the hurt and uncertainty in my own eyes. It reminds me too much of how I used to look after an encounter with Mark – confused, off-balance, questioning myself.

No, I think firmly, squaring my shoulders. This is different. Dr. Morgan isn't Mark. He's my professor, and whatever just happened, it doesn't define me or my work.

I take a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering unease. As I continue down the hallway, I can't help but wonder what the rest of the semester will bring. One thing's for sure – working with Dr. Morgan is going to be far more complicated than I ever imagined.

Chapter 2


I sit in the university meeting room. The scent of leather and old books fills the air, a familiar comfort that usually grounds me. But today, it's not enough. My fingers drum an impatient rhythm on the polished mahogany table as I struggle to focus on the agenda before me.

Sarah Mitchell.

The memory of her walking into my lecture hall yesterday still sends a shiver down my spine.

When she'd been near my desk after class, her scent had overwhelmed me. The closer she got, the more potent it became, clouding my judgment and awakening my most primal instincts. It was all I could do to maintain my composure, to not leap over my desk and claim her right there.

I shake my head, trying to dispel the image. It's wrong, so wrong. She's my student, for crying out loud. And I'm her professor, a position of authority I can't abuse. But my wolf... my wolf doesn't care about human conventions. It howls for her.

"Dr. Morgan?" Dr. Evelyn Hart's sharp voice cuts through my reverie. "Are you with us?"

I blink, forcing myself back to the present. "Yes, of course. My apologies, Dr. Hart. You were saying?"

The dean's lips purse in disapproval, but she continues. "As I was explaining, we have a new addition to our faculty. I'd like you all to welcome Dr. Mark Anderson."

The moment the name leaves her lips, my entire body tenses. A new scent hits me, one I hadn't noticed in my distraction. It's musky, with an underlying current of aggression that sets my teeth on edge. My eyes snap to the man entering the room, and I have to fight to keep my lips from curling into a snarl.

Tall, dark-haired, with eyes that gleam. He's handsome in a dangerous way, the kind of looks that would make most humans swoon. But I'm not human, and neither is he. The air between us crackles with an energy that has nothing to do with academic rivalry and everything to do with our true natures.

"It's a pleasure to be here," Mark says, his voice smooth as silk but laced with a challenge only I can detect. "I'm looking forward to contributing to this esteemed institution."

I force myself to nod, to play along with this charade of civility. "Welcome to the department, Dr. Anderson," I manage, the words tasting like ash in my mouth.

As Mark takes his seat, our eyes lock. In that moment, the pretense falls away, and I see the wolf beneath the man.

He must be new to the area. And joined the Howling Pines pack—our rivals—because I certainly haven't seen him at any recent pack meetings. This sudden appearance in both the university and potentially in rival pack territory is concerning, to say the least.

The staring contest between us stretches, seconds feeling like hours. I feel my canines lengthening, the urge to shift and assert my dominance almost overwhelming.

But we're not in the forest. We're in a university meeting room.

"Well," Dr. Hart's voice breaks through the tension, oblivious to the silent battle being waged, "I trust you two will work well together. Dr. Morgan, perhaps you could show Dr. Anderson around the department later?"

I break eye contact with Mark, turning to Dr. Hart with a smile that feels more like a grimace. "Of course, Dr. Hart. It would be my pleasure."

The lie sits heavy on my tongue, but I force it out.

As Dr. Hart drones on about budget allocations and upcoming events, I find myself planning. I need to warn Ryan, our pack alpha. Mark's presence here is no coincidence. The Howling Pines pack has been pushing at our borders for months, and now they've infiltrated my professional life as well.

The meeting finally draws to a close, and as people begin to gather their things, I feel Mark's eyes on me once more. I meet his gaze, letting a low growl rumble in my chest, too quiet for human ears but crystal clear to a fellow shifter.

"Dr. Morgan," he says, approaching me with that same dangerous smile, "I look forward to that tour. I'm sure you have a lot to... show me."

The double meaning in his words is unmistakable. This isn't just about the university; it's about territory, both academic and pack-related.

"Indeed," I reply, my voice low and laced with warning. "I'll be sure to give you a thorough understanding of how things work around here."

We stand there, two predators sizing each other up, the air thick with unspoken challenges.

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