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"This is going to be an interesting semester, Lucas. I hope you're ready for some... competition."

I let just a hint of my wolf show in my eyes. "Tread carefully, Mark. You're not with Howling Pines at the moment."

He chuckles, the sound grating on my nerves. "Oh, I'm counting on it. See you later... professor."

As he walks away, I'm left standing in the hallway, my hands clenched at my sides. The wolf in me is howling for action, demanding that I chase him down and assert my dominance.

But I can't. Not here, not now.

I take a deep breath, trying to center myself. This is my territory - both my pack lands and my professional domain. I've worked too hard, maintained this delicate balance for too long, to let Mark Anderson waltz in and upset everything.


I lean against a tree, nursing a glass of whiskey as I survey the outdoor venue. Fairy lights twinkle in the branches overhead, casting a soft glow over the celebrating guests. The night air is filled with laughter and the scent of pine, all here to celebrate Ryan and Jenna's mating. It's a joyous occasion, but I can't shake the undercurrent of unease that's been plaguing me since that day in my classroom.

Derek sidles up next to me, his usual gruff demeanor softened slightly by the festive atmosphere. "Quite the shindig, huh?" he grunts, taking a swig from his beer bottle.

I nod, grateful for the distraction. "Ryan and Jenna seem happy."

Derek grunts in agreement, then his expression sours. "Unlike some people we know. Remember my last BBQ? The one Liam nearly ruined with his charming personality?”

I can't help but grimace at the memory. "How could I forget? The kid nearly started a fight with his own brother."

Derek shakes his head, his expression darkening. "I swear, that boy's more trouble than he's worth. All that bitterness and resentment... it's like he's looking for reasons to be angry."

"He's had a rough time," I say, trying to be fair despite my own frustrations with Liam. "But you're right, his attitude is becoming a real problem."

"Marcus better get a handle on him soon," Derek mutters. "Before he does something we'll all regret."

We fall into a tense silence, watching the couples dance on the makeshift dance floor. Ryan and Jenna are at the center, lost in each other's eyes. It's a beautiful sight, but it stirs something uncomfortable in my chest.

Derek leans in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Who would've thought, huh? Our mighty alpha, tamed by a human mate."

It's the kind of sarcastic comment I'd usually respond to with a wry smile and a quip about the joys of bachelorhood. But the words stick in my throat. Because for the first time in decades, I can't honestly say I'm content being alone.

The image of Sarah flashes unbidden in my mind. Her scent, her smile, the way her eyes light up when she talks about her research. It's been less than a week since she walked into my classroom, and already she's turned my world upside down.

"Lucas?" Derek's voice cuts through my thoughts. "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I force a smile, but it feels brittle. "I'm fine. Just...thinking."

Derek narrows his eyes, studying me for a moment. I can see the suspicion in his gaze, the unasked questions. But then he shrugs, a silent acknowledgment of our unspoken male code. Some things are better left unsaid, at least for now.

"Well, while you’re thinking," he says, straightening up, "I’m going to congratulate the happy couple. Try not to brood too much while I'm gone."

I watch as Derek makes his way through the crowd, shaking my head at his parting jab. But as I turn back to the party, something catches my attention.

A scent. Familiar, intoxicating, and utterly unmistakable.


My body tenses, every nerve suddenly on high alert. I scan the crowd, my eyes searching desperately until—there. She's standing near the edge of the clearing, looking as beautiful as ever in a simple blue dress that brings out the color of her eyes.

The moment I see her, it's like everything else fades away. The noise of the party becomes a distant hum, the other guests mere shadows. All I can focus on is Sarah.

My wolf stirs within me, more insistent than ever. Mine, it growls. Ours.

I know I should resist. She's my student. I'm her professor. It's inappropriate, unethical, potentially career-ending.

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