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Even now, as I sit here explaining, I feel the pull to be near her. It's like a magnetic force, drawing me to her side, compellingme to protect her at all costs. The bond isn't just emotional; it's something deeper, something primal. Every fiber of my being aches to be with her, to ensure she's safe and happy. It's not something I can simply set aside or ignore. And as much as I respect the Dean's authority and the ethical boundaries of my profession, my instinct to protect Sarah overrides everything else.

Dean Hart studies me, her eyes searching for any signs of deception or exaggeration. "Dr. Morgan, while I appreciate your honesty and your cultural perspective, I must reiterate that the university has strict policies regarding relationships between faculty and students."

"I understand," I reply, my voice steady but my heart pounding. "That's why I'm here, to find a way to honor both my responsibilities to the university and my commitment to Sarah. I believe we can find a solution that respects both."

Leaning forward, I outline my plan. "I suggest we involve the ethics committee for a formal review and approval of the situation. In the meantime, I'm prepared to recuse myself from any direct evaluation of Sarah's work. Another professor can grade her assignments and exams to ensure there's no question of favoritism."

Dean Hart listens, her expression thoughtful. "That's... a more comprehensive approach than I expected, Dr. Morgan. I appreciate your proactivity in this matter."

I nod. I can't let this situation add to Sarah's stress. She's been through so much already. The last thing she needs is to worry about the complications our relationship might bring. The thought of her feeling burdened, even for a moment, makes my chest tighten.

Sarah deserves peace, stability, and the freedom to pursue her dreams without any added strain. I promised myself I'd protect her, and that means shielding her from anything that could jeopardize her happiness or success. This isn't just about following university policies; it's about ensuring Sarah never has to face the kind of struggles she's already endured.

"Sarah's academic success and reputation are as important to me as my own," I say firmly. "I won't allow our relationship to jeopardize her future in any way."

The Dean nods slowly. "Very well. I'll consult with the ethics committee about your proposal. But Dr. Morgan, I must caution you—"

Her words are cut off by the vibration of my phone. I glance down, seeing Sarah's name on the screen. My heart races, torn between the need to answer and the knowledge that I can't, not now.

"I apologize," I say, silencing the call. "Please, continue."

Dean Hart's eyes narrow slightly. "Was that Ms. Mitchell?"

I nod, not seeing any point in lying. "Yes, but as you can see, I'm prioritizing this meeting."

She sighs. "Dr. Morgan, I hope you understand the precarious position you're in. Until the ethics committee reaches a decision, you need to maintain absolute professionalism with Ms. Mitchell."

"I understand," I say, even as my instincts rail against the idea of distancing myself from my mate. "But there's another matter we need to discuss, one that directly impacts Sarah's safety and potentially the safety of other students as well."

Dean Hart leans back, her expression wary. "Go on."

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for this next part. "There's a new professor on campus, Dr. Mark Anderson. He's Sarah's ex-boyfriend, and I have reason to believe he poses a threat to her wellbeing."

The Dean's eyes widen. "That's a serious accusation, Dr. Morgan."

"I know," I say gravely. "And I wouldn't make it lightly. But given Sarah's safety is at stake, I felt it was crucial to bring this to your attention immediately."

As I speak, all I can think about is Sarah's face, the weariness that sometimes clouds her bright eyes. She's had enough battles to fight, enough shadows to chase away. I won't let this be another one. Whatever it takes, I'll make sure she can focus on her work, her happiness, and her future without the shadow of fear looming over her.

"I see," the Dean says, her tone measured. "We take the safety of our students very seriously. I'll speak with HR about conducting a discreet background check on Dr. Anderson. But without a formal complaint or current evidence of misconduct, our options are limited.”

I understand the constraints she's under but feel no less urgent about the need to protect Sarah. "I appreciate that, Dean Hart.”

Dean Hart regards me for a long moment. "Dr. Morgan, I want to be clear. While I understand your concerns for Ms. Mitchell, you need to tread very carefully here. Your relationship with her already complicates matters."

I nod, even as every fiber of my being rebels against the idea of standing back. "I understand."

"Good," she says, her tone softening slightly. "I'll be in touch once I've spoken with the ethics committee. In the meantime, maintain your distance from Ms. Mitchell."

As I stand to leave, my phone buzzes again. Sarah. My heart leaps into my throat, a mix of longing and worry flooding through me. Two calls in such a short time is unusual for her.

"Thank you for your time, Dean Hart," I manage, my voice tight.

As soon as I'm out of her office, I pull out my phone, my fingers shaking slightly as I dial Sarah's number. It goes straight to voicemail. A cold dread settles in my stomach, my wolf stirring restlessly beneath my skin.

Something's wrong. I can feel it in my bones, in the very core of my being. The mate bond thrums with an urgent, anxious energy.

I try to rationalize it. Maybe her phone died. Maybe she's in class. But the gnawing worry won't subside. Sarah's face flashes in my mind - her smile, her bright eyes, the way she looks at me with trust and affection. The thought of her in distress, possibly in danger, makes my blood run cold.

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