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Ethics committee, university policies, professional boundaries – none of it matters now. My mate needs me, and every instinct I have is screaming at me to go to her.

Without a second thought, I head for the exit, my pace quickening with each step. My wolf is close to the surface now, urging me to run, to shift, to do whatever it takes to get to Sarah.

As I burst out of the building, the cool air hits my face, but I barely notice. My only thought is of Sarah. Hold on, I think, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. I'm coming.

I sprint towards my car, keys already in hand. The mate bond pulls me like a compass pointing north, guiding me towards Sarah. Whatever's happening, whatever danger she might be in, I'll face it. I'll protect her, no matter the cost.

As I peel out of the parking lot, I make a silent promise. I'm coming, Sarah. Just hold on. I'm coming.


The tires of my car screech as I pull up to Sarah's house, my heart pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. Before I've even cut the engine, I'm hit by a scent that makes my blood run cold.

Mark. He's here.

I'm out of the car in an instant, my wolf clawing at the surface, desperate to break free. But I can't shift. Not yet. I need to assess the situation first.

As I approach the house, my senses go into overdrive. I can hear muffled voices inside – Sarah's, tinged with fear, and Mark's, low and menacing. The scent of Sarah's distress hangs heavy in the air, mixing with Mark's anger and something else... anticipation? The combination makes my stomach churn.

I don't bother knocking. With one powerful kick, I send the door flying open.

The scene before me makes my vision go red. Mark has Sarah cornered against the far wall, his hand gripping her arm so tightly I can see the skin whitening under his fingers. Sarah's eyes meet mine, wide with fear and relief.

"Lucas," she gasps.

Mark whirls around, his eyes flashing with fury. "Well, well. If it isn't the knight in shining armor."

I step into the room, every muscle in my body coiled tight, ready to spring. "Let. Her. Go." Each word comes out as a growl, my control slipping with every passing second.

Mark's lips curl into a sneer. "Or what, professor? You'll give me detention?"

"Mark, please," Sarah pleads, trying to pull away from him. "Just leave. You don't have to do this."

But Mark's attention is fully on me now. He shoves Sarah aside, and it takes every ounce of my willpower not to lunge at him right then and there. But Sarah's safety comes first. I need to get her out of harm's way.

"Sarah," I say, my eyes never leaving Mark, "come to me. Now."

She starts to move towards me, but Mark is faster. He grabs her again, pulling her roughly against him. "She's not going anywhere," he snarls. "Sarah belongs to me. Always has, always will."

The possessiveness in his voice, the way he's manhandling my mate – it's too much. A roar builds in my chest, my canines lengthening, claws threatening to burst from my fingertips.

"Sarah is not your property," I growl, my voice deepening with the effort of holding back my shift. "She's her own person, and she's made her choice. Let her go, Mark. This is your last warning."

Mark's laugh is cold and humorless. "Or what? You'll huff and puff and blow my house down?" His grip on Sarah tightens, making her wince. "Face it, Morgan. You're out of your league here."

The sight of Sarah in pain snaps something inside me. My vision sharpens, the world suddenly awash in vivid detail. I can hear Sarah's rapid heartbeat, smell the fear rolling off her in waves. And underneath it all, the maddening scent of Mark's hands on my mate.

"Sarah," I say, my voice rough with the effort of control, "close your eyes."

She looks at me, confusion and fear warring in her gaze. But she trusts me. Even now, she trusts me. Her eyes flutter shut.

That's all I need.

I barely have time to kick off my shoes before the shift rips through me with explosive force. My clothes tear and fall away as bones crack and reform, muscles stretch and contort. In seconds, where a man once stood, a massive silver-streaked wolf now crouches, hackles raised, teeth bared, surrounded by shreds of what was once my outfit.

Mark's eyes widen in shock, his grip on Sarah loosening for a split second. It's all the opening I need.

I lunge forward, a blur of fur and fang. My jaws close around Mark's forearm, yanking him away from Sarah. The taste of his blood fills my mouth, copper and adrenaline.

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