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She looks at me, surprise evident in her eyes. "You don't have to do that, Lucas. I'm sure you have work to do."

"Nothing that can't wait," I insist gently. "Your safety is more important. Please, let me do this for my own peace of mind."

Sarah hesitates for a moment, then nods. "Okay. Thank you."

I quickly pack up my laptop and a few papers into my briefcase. "Ready when you are."

We leave my office together, walking side by side through the now-quiet campus. I keep my senses alert, scanning for any sign of Mark or potential danger. Sarah's proximity is both comforting and distracting, her scent a mix of lingering anxiety and something warmer that makes my wolf rumble contentedly.

As we approach the parking lot, I notice Sarah's steps quicken slightly. "My car's just over there," she says, pointing to a blue sedan a few rows away.

"I'm parked not far from you," I tell her. "I'll walk you to your car, then follow you in mine. Is that alright?"

She nods, offering a small smile that makes my heart skip. "That would be great. Thank you, Lucas. Really."

We reach her car, and I wait as she unlocks it and gets inside. "I'll be right behind you," I assure her. "Drive safely, and don't worry about losing me at lights. I'll catch up."

Sarah nods, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of gratitude and something deeper that I can't quite name. "I will. See you soon."

I stride to my truck, my movements stiff and controlled. Every fiber of my being screams at me to follow her, to guard her. The wolf inside me paces restlessly, demanding action. With a growl of frustration, I slam the truck door and start the engine.

The taste of Sarah's lips lingers on mine as I watch her car turn around the corner. My heart pounds, a mix of desire and an overwhelming need to protect surging through my veins.

As I follow her car through the quiet streets of Whispering Pines, my mind races. The thought of anyone hurting her makes my blood boil. I grip the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turning white.

Sarah's car slows as she approaches a modest two-story house with a small front yard. I pull up behind her, watching intently as she parks in the driveway. She gets out, her movements still a bit shaky, and turns to face me. Even from this distance, I can see the mix of relief and lingering anxiety on her face.

She raises her hand in a small wave, mouthing "Thank you" before turning to unlock her front door. I wait, engine idling, until I see her safely inside. The porch light flicks on, a signal that she's okay.

I should leave now. I've done my duty. She's home safe.

But I can't. Not yet.

I put my truck in gear and slowly drive past her house, as if heading home myself. But instead of continuing down the street, I turn at the next corner, circling back to the small park I noticed a block away from Sarah's place.

The park is deserted at this hour, the playground equipment casting long shadows in the fading evening light. I pull into a spot partially hidden by a cluster of trees. The memory of Sarah's trembling voice as she confessed her past floods my mind. The fear in her eyes, the vulnerability... it awakens something primal in me. A growl rumbles in my chest, and I feel my canines elongating slightly.

My wolf is restless, clawing at the surface. He wants out. Wants to patrol, to mark, to claim.

I strip quickly, stashing my clothes in the truck. The shift comes easily, almost eagerly. Bones crack and reshape, muscles stretch and contort. In seconds, where a man once stood, a large, silver-streaked wolf now crouches.

My senses explode with newfound clarity. The night air is alive with scents – the earthy musk of nearby animals, the lingering exhaust from passing cars, and most intoxicatingly, Sarah's unique fragrance. It calls to me, a siren song I'm helpless to resist.

I pad silently across the street, my paws barely making a sound on the asphalt. As I near Sarah's property, the urge to mark my territory is overwhelming. I circle the perimeter of her yard, leaving my scent at strategic points. It's a primal act, one that satisfies my wolf on a deep level. Any other shifter who comes near will know – this woman is protected. She is claimed.

I find a shadowy spot beneath a large oak tree, settling in for my vigil. From here, I have a clear view of both the front and side of the house. No one will be able to approach without me knowing.

As the night wears on, my mind wanders. I think about the kiss we shared, the way Sarah melted into me before pulling away. The fear in her eyes when she spoke of her ex haunts me. I want nothing more than to hunt down the bastard who hurt her, to make him pay for every tear she's shed.

But I know that's not what Sarah needs right now. She needs patience, understanding. She needs to know that not all shifters are like her ex. That I would rather die than cause her pain.

The hours pass, but I remain vigilant. Every rustle of leaves, every distant car engine, every flicker of light from Sarah'swindows keeps me alert. My wolf is content for now, satisfied that we're guarding our mate.

As the first hints of dawn begin to color the sky, I know I need to leave soon. I can't risk being seen, can't jeopardize Sarah's trust or my position at the university. But the thought of leaving her unprotected, even for a moment, makes my fur bristle.

I stand, stretching my limbs, and take one last circuit around her property. Her scent envelops me, soothing and igniting my senses all at once. I commit every detail to memory – the soft glow of her bedroom window, the gentle sway of the curtains, the faint sound of her steady breathing that my heightened senses can just barely detect.

With great reluctance, I turn back towards the park where my truck waits. But even as I shift back to my human form and drive away, my mind and heart remain here, with her.

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