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I reach up, gently brushing a stray tear from her cheek. "I'll always be here for you, Sarah. Always."

The intensity in my voice surprises even me. But I mean every word. My wolf rumbles in agreement. We will protect her, comfort her, love her - for as long as she'll let us.

It’s hard to remember why I shouldn't pull her closer, why I shouldn't bury my face in her neck and breathe in her scent.

Instead, I ask, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

Sarah tucks her head under my chin, pressing her face against my chest. I can feel her trembling slightly, her fingers curling into the fabric of my shirt. The protective instinct in me surges,and I tighten my arms around her, offering what comfort I can through my presence.

"It's... it's Mark," she finally manages, her voice muffled against my chest. "He's here. At the university."

The name hits me like a physical blow. Mark. The new professor. The arrogant wolf shifter I met at the faculty meeting. Suddenly, his smug attitude and thinly veiled challenges make a sickening kind of sense. My body tenses, a low growl building in my chest before I can stop it. Sarah stiffens in my arms, and I force myself to relax, not wanting to frighten her.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask, struggling to keep my voice steady despite the rage building inside me.

Sarah shakes her head, drawing in a shuddering breath. "No, but... he found me in the quad. He said... he said he's not done with me. That I belong to him."

The possessive claim in those words makes my wolf snarl with fury. Sarah belongs to no one but herself. And if she chose to be with anyone, it should be... No. I can't think like that right now. I need to focus on keeping her safe, on being the support she needs.

"I won't let him hurt you, Sarah," I promise, the words coming out before I can stop them. "You're safe here."

She looks up at me, her eyes searching my face. "Why?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why do you care so much?"

The question catches me off guard. How can I explain the pull I feel towards her? The way my wolf recognizes her as ours, even if my human side knows better? How do I tell her that every instinct I have screams to protect her, to cherish her?

"Because you matter," I say finally, my voice husky with emotion. "Because you're brilliant, and kind, and stronger than you know. Because no one deserves to live in fear, especially not someone as remarkable as you."

Sarah's breath hitches, and fresh tears spill down her cheeks. Without thinking, I reach up with my free hand to brush them away. The moment my fingers touch her skin, a spark of electricity jolts through us both. Her eyes widen, and suddenly the air between us is charged with something entirely different from fear.

"Lucas," she breathes, and the sound of my name on her lips is almost my undoing.

I should pull away. I should remember that I'm her professor, that there are lines we can't cross. But my wolf is howling, demanding that I claim what's ours, and for once, I find myself in complete agreement with my more primal side.

"Sarah," I murmur, my voice rough with emotion. "May I... may I kiss you?"

For a heartbeat that feels like an eternity, she's silent. Then, almost imperceptibly, she nods.

I lean in slowly, giving her every chance to change her mind. But she doesn't pull away. Instead, she meets me halfway, her lips soft and yielding against mine.

The kiss is gentle at first, a tender exploration. But then Sarah makes a small, needy sound in the back of her throat, and something inside me snaps. I deepen the kiss, one hand cupping her face while the other slides around her waist, pulling her closer.

She tastes like vanilla and tears, and I drink her in like a man dying of thirst. My wolf howls in triumph, recognizing our mate, our other half. Every nerve in my body is on fire, hyper-aware of everywhere we touch.

Sarah's hands come up to tangle in my hair, her body melting against mine. I can smell the shift in her scent, fear giving way to desire, and it's intoxicating. I want to lose myself in her, to forget everything but this moment.

Just as I'm about to throw caution to the wind completely, the sound of a door slamming in the hallway echoes through the building. We spring apart, both breathing heavily.

Reality crashes back in like a bucket of ice water. I'm her professor. She's my student. And somewhere on this campus, her abusive ex is lurking, a threat to everything we might have.

"I... I'm sorry," Sarah stammers, her cheeks flushed, lips swollen from our kiss. "I shouldn't have—"

"No," I interrupt, my voice hoarse. "Don't apologize. I'm the one who should be sorry. I took advantage—"

"You didn't," she insists, her blue eyes fierce despite the lingering fear.

Sarah takes a deep breath, her composure slowly returning. She gently extricates herself from my lap and stands, smoothing down her clothes. "I... I think I should go home now," she says, her voice steadier than before but still tinged with uncertainty.

I nod, rising to my feet as well. "Of course. I'll walk you to your car and then follow you home to make sure you get there safely."

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