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As Mark rushes towards the stairs, I exchange a quick glance with Chloe. Her eyes are wide with a mixture of hope and terror that I'm sure mirrors my own expression.

"What's happening?" she whispers.

I shake my head. "I don't know, but—"

My words are cut off by a deafening roar that shakes the very foundations of the house. It's a sound that vibrates through my bones, primal and terrifying. A wolf's roar, but amplified beyond anything I've ever heard before.

Before Mark can reach the top of the stairs, the basement door explodes inward, showering the room with splinters. And there, silhouetted in the doorway, stands a man.

I don't recognize him, but I hear Chloe gasp beside me. "Theo," she whispers.

The man—Theo—is all raw power and barely contained rage. His clothes are torn and disheveled, and there's a wild look in his eyes that speaks of violence barely held in check.

Mark recovers from his surprise quickly, his shock morphing into a sneer. "Well, well. If it isn't the big bad alpha of Howling Pines. Come to play hero, Theo?"

A sly look crosses Mark's face as he gestures towards me. "You know, Theo, I thought you of all people would understand. After all, you're not exactly fond of humans yourself, are you? Look, here's one right here. Why don't we join forces? We could cleanse both our packs of this... infestation."

I feel a chill run down my spine at Mark's words, my eyes darting nervously between him and Theo. For a moment, Theo's expression is unreadable, and I fear he might actually consider the offer.

But then Theo's eyes narrow, his lip curling in disgust. "You're right, I'm not overly fond of humans," he growls, his voice dripping with contempt. "But you know what I despise even more? Cowards who abuse women, regardless of their species. You disgust me, Mark."

Theo's gaze sweeps the room, taking in me and Chloe before settling on Mark with laser-like intensity. "Let them go, Mark," he growls, his voice low and dangerous. "This ends now."

Mark's laugh is harsh and bitter. "Oh, it's ending alright. Just not the way you think." In a lightning-fast move, he grabs Chloe, yanking her in front of him like a shield. His arm wraps around her throat, and I see the glint of a knife in his other hand.

The change in Theo is instantaneous and terrifying. One moment he's standing there, coiled tension in human form. The next, he explodes into motion, his body blurring and shifting as he leaps towards Mark.

Where Theo stood a heartbeat ago, there's now a massive wolf, its fur a deep, rich brown shot through with streaks of gold. It—he—is easily the largest wolf I've ever seen.

Mark barely has time to react before Theo is on him. Chloe stumbles away as Mark is forced to release her, desperatelytrying to fend off Theo's attack. The knife clatters to the floor, forgotten in the chaos.

I scramble to Chloe's side, pulling her away from the fray. We huddle together against the wall, watching in horrified fascination as the two shifters battle it out.

Mark manages to shift as well, his form twisting and contorting until a sleek black wolf stands in his place. But even in wolf form, he's no match for Theo's raw power and fury.

The basement is suddenly full of snapping jaws and slashing claws. Furniture is overturned, and the air fills with growls and yelps of pain. I can barely follow the action; it's all happening so fast.

Suddenly, I hear someone yell, "Zoe!"

My head whips around at the sound of my name. There, in the doorway, stands Marcus. His eyes are wild with worry, darting between me and the fighting wolves.

"Marcus," I breathe, relief washing over me in a dizzying wave.

He's at my side in an instant, his hands working quickly to undo my bonds. "Are you hurt?" he asks, his voice rough with concern.

I shake my head, wincing as the circulation returns to my arms. "No, I'm okay.”

Marcus ushers us towards the stairs. His movements are swift and efficient, speaking to his military training. "We need to get you out of here," he says urgently.

I hesitate, looking back at the fight. Theo has Mark pinned now, his jaws closing around the other wolf's throat. "But what about—"

"Theo can handle himself," Marcus cuts me off, his tone brooking no argument. "Our priority is getting you two to safety."

As we climb the stairs, I hear a final, agonized yelp from behind us. Then silence.

I shudder, knowing what that silence means. A small part of me feels guilty for not being more upset about Mark's fate, but I quickly push that thought aside. He was a monster who kidnapped us and threatened the entire pack. The world is safer without him. Still, the violence of it all leaves me feeling hollow and shaken.

We emerge into the main floor of the house, and I blink against the sudden brightness. Everything looks surreal – the ordinary furnishings a stark contrast to the violence we've just witnessed.

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