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Josie hums teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh honey, I'd let him 'help me out' any day of the week. You sure there's nothing going on there?"

I roll my eyes, fighting back a smile. "Josie, behave. It's not like that."

"If you say so," she sing-songs, clearly unconvinced. "But if you're not interested, mind if I take a shot?" I feel a sudden, unexpected twinge of possessiveness at Josie's words. "He's not really available," I say, my tone sharper than I intend. I take a breath, forcing my voice to lighten. "Besides, I think you'd find him a bit... intense for your tastes."

Josie chuckles, unperturbed. "Honey, intense is exactly my type."

I focus on finishing her hair, grateful for the distraction. As I work, I can't help but sneak glances at Marcus. His eyes meet mine in the mirror, and I feel a jolt of electricity run through me. There's something in his gaze – protectiveness and something deeper, more primal – that makes my breath catch.

When Josie's appointment is over, I walk her to the front. As she passes Marcus, she gives him a flirtatious wink. I feel my jaw clench involuntarily.

"See you next month, Zoe," Josie calls over her shoulder. "And maybe I'll see you around too, handsome."

Marcus nods politely, but his eyes flick immediately back to me. The intensity of his gaze makes me feel suddenly warm all over.

"You okay?" he asks, his voice low and gravelly.

I nod, not trusting my voice. As I turn back to my station to prepare for my next client, I can't shake the feeling that something has shifted between us. The air feels charged, electric. I try to focus on my work, but I'm acutely aware of Marcus's presence, of every move he makes.

This is going to be a long day.

As the morning progresses, I fall into my usual rhythm, the familiar routine of cuts, colors, and styles helping to ease someof the tension I've been carrying since the BBQ. But Marcus's presence is a constant reminder that things are far from normal.

During a brief lull between clients, I notice Marcus eyeing my supplies with curiosity. "Something catch your eye?" I ask, unable to keep the amusement out of my voice.

He looks up, a slightly sheepish expression on his face. "I was just... wondering what all these things do," he admits, gesturing to the array of styling tools and products.

I can't help but grin. "Want me to give you a crash course in hairdressing?"

To my surprise, Marcus nods. "Might as well learn something while I'm here," he says, his tone gruff but his eyes betraying a hint of genuine interest.

For the next few minutes, I find myself explaining the basics of my craft to Marcus. He listens attentively, asking surprisingly insightful questions. It's... nice, actually. Liam never showed much interest in my work beyond complimenting the end results.

"So," Marcus says, picking up a bottle of purple shampoo, "this is for...?"

"Blondes," I explain, taking the bottle from him. Our fingers brush, and I feel a jolt of electricity at the contact. "It helps neutralize brassiness in light hair."

Marcus nods, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Makes sense. Kind of like how we use certain herbs to neutralize scents in tracking."

I blink, surprised by the comparison. "I... guess so, yeah. I never thought of it that way."

He gives me a small smile, and I feel my heart skip a beat. It's ridiculous how attractive he is when he smiles, how it softens his usually stern features.

Our moment is interrupted by the chime of my phone. I grab it, expecting another client confirmation, but instead, I see Liam's name on the screen. With a sigh, I open the message.

"Having fun playing damsel in distress?" the text reads. "Bet you're loving all the attention."

I feel a surge of irritation. Typical Liam, lashing out when he doesn't get his way. I'm about to ignore the message when another one pops up.

"Hope you and Marcus are enjoying your little bodyguard roleplay. Just remember, he's only there because he has to be."

I clench my jaw, anger bubbling up inside me. How dare he? Before I can think better of it, I type out a reply.

"Grow up, Liam. Your jealousy isn't attractive."

I hit send. I know engaging with him is only going to make things worse. But damn, it feels good to call him out.

"Everything okay?" Marcus asks, his voice laced with concern.

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