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Allie taps my arm to get my attention and mimes that she’s going to get us some more drinks. I wave my hand like, “I’ll be here,” and keep dancing.

She returns a few minutes later with a couple cute guys in tow. “These guys paid for our drinks,” she leans forward to whisper in my ear. “Apparently, they’re in the doctorate program at the university!”

Her enthusiasm is contagious. I smile at the guys, “Thanks!” I raise my glass in appreciation and take a sip.

The tall, dark-haired guy steps forward. “I’m Mark,” he yells over the music. He’s cute, and most importantly, looks nothing like the handsome man at home.

“I’m Hannah,” I yell back.

He gestures the universal signal for, “Wanna dance?” with a head jerk and raised eyebrows.

Yes, I do. Now that I’ve relaxed, I’m ready to have some fun, dance with a dude, maybe make out a little. Do some of the things girls do in their twenties.

In short order, we go from dancing a foot apart to grinding on each other, my ass pressed against his groin, hips rotating to the beat. Damn, the boy knows how to dance.

He turns me so we’re dancing face to face, a boyish grin on his face. He looks adorable and the dancing is hot, but damn it, it feels like a faded echo of the dance with Beckham last night. Beckham was full saturation, high intensity, and poor Mark is just a dimmer version.

But I won’t give up. It isn’t every day you meet someone who knows what to do with his hips and his hands. I pull his head toward my lips, and he quickly meets me halfway. His kisses are… pleasant. Nice.

Gah. I can’t even give them a better adjective in my own head. I don’t want to lead him on, but it’s time to pull the plug. I pull back and turn around, grinding against him.

Just because I’m not interested doesn’t mean I have to be rude. I search for Allie and give her the “let’s get out of here” look. She nods, and the next thing I know, we’re at the door, guys included, waiting for our Uber.

Mark still has a hand on my hip, which he uses to nudge me closer. “Can I get your number?”

I consider a moment before saying, “Sure,” and rattling off my digits. You don’t run into handsome doctorate guys everyday, and maybe I’ve just been having an off night. He deserves another chance. I can see Allie wiggling her eyebrows at me behind his back. That girl.

Allie and I hop into the Uber, and she immediately turns to me with a hand held up for a high-five. I shake my head, sighing with a grin, and slap her hand.

“Girl, he was a cutie! You deserve someone like Mark after the drama with Dumbass,” Allie gushes.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for a new relationship. It’s only been one day,” I protest.

She rolls her eyes at me. “Even if it’s just a fling or a one-night stand, I know Dumbass wasn’t taking care of you.” She gives me a significant look, eyebrows raised and head tipped forward. “Have some fun with Mark. Remind yourself what good sex feels like. Then go from there.”

It’s good advice. Only one problem—now that I’m thinking about it, I can’t remember ever having good sex. Damn.

Well, that needs to be rectified, asap. The memory of dancing with Beckham and the possessiveness in his posture flashes through my mind, my body immediately tightening with arousal. When I think about what he was doing behind the desk...

No. I’m not going there. With effort, I replace it with a memory of Mark. He feels safer, but still fun. All the benefits of good sex without the heavy feelings and potential drama.

“Okay, when he calls I’ll set something up.”

Allie squeals. “This is going to be so much fun.” We pull up to her house and get out of the car, Allie still chatting enthusiastically, “We need to make a list. What is your favorite position? How long has it been since you…?”

“Shush,” I interrupt. I smile to soften the request, but I donotwant her father to overhear our conversation.

“Okay, okay,” she complies, but doesn’t give up. “But we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Oh shoot! I forgot I’ve got class all day. Will you be okay moving your stuff with just my dad?”

I’d forgotten that Allie had arranged for the POD to be delivered here. The plan was to move all my stuff into their garage for now, since Dennis obviously wouldn’t be storing it.

“Yeah, that works,” I feel better about dealing with Beckham now that I have a plan to meet up with Mark.

“Okay, goodnight!”

Allie has so much energy. That’s why I love her. I’d been incredibly lucky to have her as a roommate during my one year of college.

I walk into my room, shutting the door behind me without turning on the lights. Never noticing the deeper shadow that watches from down the hallway.

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