Page 12 of Ruthless Boss

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He moves to stand beside me, and a part of me warms at the gesture. We might have occasional differences of opinion. But regardless of our bank accounts, connections, or recent history, he’s never made me feel dirty. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s sexier than all of them in his perfectly tailored charcoal gray suit.

“Um, we were just complimenting Mary on her… um, skills,” one of Michael’s cronies stammers.

“I see. Well, I thinkMiriamhas had enough…ahem, compliments for tonight.” You don’t have to be a mind reader to know that Drake despises these men. His derisive tone says it all. Something about that has me smiling and taking his proffered arm.

“Please excuse us,” I say, trying to be somewhat polite even if they don’t deserve it.

As we turn to leave, Michael takes one last shot. “You think you’re too good for us, Miriam? There are words for women like you, and they rhyme with mutt. Come on boys, let’s get out of here.” The group of them starts toward a nearby exit.

“I don’t think so,” Drake growls, pulling me along as we follow them into an empty hallway. “Want to repeat what you just said, Michael?”

“Why? Are you getting deaf in your old age?” Michael taunts. “I said that your assistant is a fat, gold digging slut.”

Drake snarls savagely and then smashes his fist into Michael’s face. Michael’s head whips back. Blood pours from his nose as Drake grabs his shirt, lifting him so their faces are only inches apart.

“If you ever speak to her like that again, I won’t just break every bone in your body. I’ll make sure you never work in Oakwood City again.” Drake’s voice is just a quiet hiss, but it must be intimidating enough because Michael’s face pales.

Drake shoves him away and turns to me, looking even hotter with a little blood on the cuff of his sleeve. “Let’s get out of here,” he says.

I just nod, speechless at the events of the last few minutes. I’ve been curvy for most of my life and I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that. A warm feeling spreads through my heart and into my loins. With a punch and a few words, he shows me he can be ruthless on my behalf. With that realization, I fall a little harder for Drake Gallagher.

Chapter 8


I take Miriam back to the office. The building is closed, but it’s the closest place where we can get a little privacy. And I need privacy for the fury I’m about to unload onto my woman.

“What the hell were you there with Michael?”

“He pressured me into it. I didn’t realize it would be that bad.” She tries to explain, but it isn’t enough.

“The man is scum of the worst kind. Why do you think I split from him years ago? He treats women like shit. I wasn’t going to partner with someone who thinks having a penis makes him god’s gift to earth.”

My temper isn’t cooling, and neither is hers.

“How was I supposed to know that?” Miriam throws her hands up. Her cheeks flush and her breath quickens.

“You’re supposed to trust me!” I yell, still caught in my worry for her. When Max sent me a picture of Miriam and Michael at the event, I jumped in my car and broke a few laws getting to the hotel as fast as I could.

Michael isn’t trustworthy. He was scum all those years ago, and I’m sure he’s gotten worse. Imagining Miriam with him, vulnerable and trusting, has my muscles swelling with the urge to punch someone. Again. The one at the hotel barely took the edge off.

“What the hell is your problem, Drake? All I did was go on a date. It’s not my fault the guy was an asshole.” God, she’s sexy when she sasses me. I stalk toward her, ready to taste those sweet, spicy lips again.

“My problem is this; I don’t like seeing my woman with other men.”

Her eyes widen for a moment, then darken with understanding. “Who said I’m your woman? I thought I was just your assistant.”

“That was never what I meant.” My voice has dropped an octave as I wrap my arms around her waist. “I want to protect you. You’re so fucking smart. And so fucking beautiful.”

“So, this isn’t just some rivalry with your old friend?”

“Fuck no. This is about you and me. And how, from this moment on, you belong to me.” I claim her lips, reveling in their lushness. In an instant, the heat in my body transforms into overwhelming desire.

“What are you doing?” She pants between kisses, her breath sharpening, her large breasts heaving up and down.

“You know damned well what I’m doing,” I grunt softly, leaning my head down so that I can reach her neck.

At first, my tongue traces softly over her flawless, pale skin, but soon the need to possess her, to own her, intensifies my touch. I bite her neck, making her groan with an arousing mix of pleasure and aching.

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