Page 6 of Sinful Boss

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Chapter 4


You know it’s bad when even puppies and kittens can’t settle your temper.

It’s Saturday morning and I’m at Penny’s Pups. It’s an animal rescue on Vincent Street in Fairview. I’ve been coming here for years, helping Penny with the animals. Volunteering here is what inspired me to become a veterinarian.

Even as I make sure all the kennels are clean with fresh food and water, my mind is stuck on the conversation with Max the Ass. After that first day, the week had gone fairly well. I showed up on time, did everything he asked, and never complained. The tasks and the routine were simple enough that I even started looking forward to work, at the very least for the eye candy. Max knows how to wear a suit well. Without meaning to, I consistently found myself measuring the width of his shoulders and admiring the fit of his pants.

I’d also overheard him on several business calls, his deep, commanding voice in complete control. He might be an ass, but it’s clear he knows what he’s doing when it comes to the Hawthorne Group. I’d forgotten how attractive intelligence is in a man. Max reminded me every day this week, enough that my panties were consistently damp by the end of the day.

But then, for him to demand my presence on my day off? The sexy, entitled prick. I’m usually very even-keeled, but he sure did make me want to hiss and scratch. Some time away from him this weekend should do me some good...but then why am I so tempted to drop everything and go to him this afternoon?

Huffing to myself, I don’t notice Penny joining me in the back room until I almost run into her with a scooper full of poop.

She stands in front of me, hands on her hips.

“Chica, you need to tell me what’s wrong.” She gestures to some of the dogs. “You’re quieter than usual and you’ve made the dogs restless.”

Glancing around, I notice most of the dogs are pacing their kennels. Normally, they’re sitting happily, wagging their tails. But not today. I sigh.

Penny takes my elbow and guides me to the back porch, where two plastic lawn chairs wait in the shade of the building.

“Talk to me.”

I hesitate, not knowing exactly where to start.

“Fine, I’ll go first.” It’s like she can read my mind, probably because she’s so good with the animals.

“This week has been very stressful. Johnny’s been working overtime at the police station, but he can’t tell me why. Nate has decided he won’t eat any vegetables. Ever. And we’re supposed to get a new litter of kittens today, but we don’t have any more space. I don’t know what we’re going to do. We might have to turn them away.” Penny’s shoulders slump with her admission. “Your turn.”

“Well,” I hesitate to continue. Penny’s problems are so much bigger than mine, I feel a little embarrassed sharing my issues with her. “I’m working for this guy during the week, and he’s kind of an asshole.”

She nods encouragingly. But I can’t keep going. So what if Max is an ass? He’s my brother’s friend and he pays well. So what if he thinks having money entitles him to treat other people with disrespect? It has nothing to do with me. So what if he has a huge house? It’s practically empty. At least my home is full of family and love.

Wait a minute. Real problem—finding a temporary home for a family of kittens. Possible solution—huge, empty house.

“Penny, I have an idea.” I feel my bad mood lifting.

“I thought we were talking about your boss?”

“We are. He’s going to make up for some of his poor behavior by helping us out.”


Three hours later, I’m pulling up to Maxmillian’s estate with a box of kittens in the backseat, and a box of supplies in the trunk. I’d called Paige, since she’s working more weekends, to check and make sure the coast was clear.

She meets me at the front door. “What are you doing?” she whispers, even though there’s nobody around us.

“I’m saving these kittens.” I nod decisively, even though on the inside, I’m questioning my reasoning. Are my intentions actually pure, or is this just an excuse to spend more time at Max’s house?

“By bringing them here?” she asks.

“Well, I couldn’t take them home. You know my mom won’t let me bring anymore animals into the house.” Probably because we already have three cats, two dogs, chickens, guinea pigs, and a turtle. All but the dogs are mine.

Paige nods, reluctantly admitting I’m right. “But how are you going to take care of them? It’s not like you can be here all the time.”

“I thought maybe you could help me.” I give her my most hopeful puppy dog eyes. “At least until I figure something out.”

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