Page 23 of Sinful Boss

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A year ago today, Max ordered me to clean his toilets. I still enjoy teasing him about that. Thankfully, these days the only place Max orders me around is in the bedroom. It’s because of that bedroom time that Paige and I are decorating this room.

It’s a surprise for Max and took a lot of planning. I never could have done it without her, though I’m a bit nervous about his reaction.

“Paige, are you about done?”

“Yep, just let me adjust the curtains.” She tweaks them and stands back with a smile. “All done.”

“Let’s go. Max is going to be home from work any minute and I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” I close the door behind her as we exit the room.

Paige rolls her eyes. “When it comes to Max, I don’t think there’s anything you could possibly ruin.”

She’s right. A few months ago, Max stood by my side as I hosted the first annual Charity Pet Date Auction. He may have been glowering at everyone in the audience, but I know he was proud. But Penny cried when she found out how much money we’d raised with the full support of the Hawthorne Group behind us.

He does it all for me. I know it.

There’s the time I told my parents I was moving in with Max—while he was standing right beside me. Or the time when my guinea pig, Magik, escaped his pen and we spent three days searching for him, leaving out bits of food so he wouldn’t starve, only to find him chewing on Max’s favorite shoes. He didn’t even get mad when I went back to the community library to chat with Margaret and accidentally let it slip that Max made the donation. Of course, I swore her to secrecy. She was very gracious about the whole thing. And Max didn’t mind a bit. Just called me his angel and “punished” me in the bedroom that night.

He isn’t perfect. And I’m the first to admit he can still be an asshole. But what’s most important to me is that when it really matters, he steps up and does what’s right.

Paige and I are standing in the foyer when Max walks through the door. I’m so excited, I throw myself into his arms. “Max! I have a surprise for you! Take me upstairs.”

“I guess patience isn’t always your strongest suit,” Paige remarks, laughing as she follows us up the stairs.

“That way. Turn right.” Max carries me as I direct him to the bedroom Paige and I just left. “Okay, now stop.”

Max raises his eyebrows in question. “Angel, there’s nothing in this room yet.”

I wiggle my eyebrows back at him. “Are you sure?”

Heat builds between us and I find myself distracted by his lips. Max loves it when I challenge him. I’m about to press my lips to his when Paige interrupts.

“No! I’m part of the surprise, but I’m heading out if this turns into sexy boss porn.”

“In consideration of your delicate sensibilities, Paige, I will desist.” His voice lowers seductively. “For now.” He sets me down, keeping me in front of him while he adjusts himself.

I shiver, still amazed at our chemistry, but not willing to be distracted again. “Open it.”

Max enters the room and stops, frozen in place. He looks around, moving like he’s in slow motion. Without speaking, he walks forward, trailing his hands over the furniture. With each moment that passes, the knot of nerves in my stomach doubles in size.

“Do you like it?”

Finally, he looks at me, brown eyes alight with joy. A moment later, he sweeps me off my feet. He buries his face in my neck, whispering that he loves me, telling me how happy he is.

Tears run down my cheeks, relief filling me at Max’s reaction. I squeeze him tighter as I look around the room one more time. The cradle in the corner. The dresser that doubles as a diaper changing station. The set of rocking chairs, one for Max and one for me. All of it done with Paige’s help in bright, soothing colors. The perfect room for the new addition to our family.

Minutes later, he lifts his head and looks at me, blinking the tears from his eyes.

“It might be a bit anticlimactic, but I have a surprise for you too.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” He takes my hand and guides me down the hallway, leading us downstairs, until we’re practically on the other side of the house. We stop in front of a closed door.

“Open it.”

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