Page 22 of Sinful Boss

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“We also came up with some plans to raise money for local animal shelters and rescue centers.”

She doesn’t look at me, but the tilt of her head tells me she’s listening.

“The Hawthorne Group will host an annual charity fundraising event. The tentative name is Sloane’s Charity Pet Date Auction. Every year, the most prominent families in Oakwood City will come together to bid on a date with a rescue animal. We’re still figuring out the details, but Penny has already volunteered her Aunt Camila to organize it.”

Sloane has still barely acknowledged me. Sweat gathers on my brow and fear gathers in my chest at the thought that I might lose her. That my epic grand gesture might not be enough.

“I know you don’t care about my money, even when it goes to your beloved animals. I understand that now. But that’s not the only reason I decided to arrange an annual event.” A hint of pleading enters my voice as I realize she needs more than my asshole persona.

“I know Lily told you about the Hawthorne tradition, but she probably didn’t share the whole story. My grandfather started the family business and became quite successful, eventually creating the Hawthorne Group. However, what most people don’t know is his story before his success.

“At one point, he was actually living on the streets. As he told it, on a cold night, a kind man—who didn’t look to be much better off—gave my grandfather the jacket off his back and a five dollar bill. When my grandfather asked the stranger what he owed him, the stranger said that when he was able, he should help someone else in need. That five dollars was the seed money for the business I run today.

“Within a year, my grandfather had some financial success and started the Hawthorne Group tradition. Each month we find a deserving nonprofit or community organization and pay it forward.”

Finally, she’s looking at me, piercing me with her big blue eyes. I continue, not wanting to lose her attention at this point.

“It wasn’t until my brother held me accountable yesterday that I realized that in my effort to build the business, I may have lost sight of the true purpose of the tradition.”

“May have?” she asks, eyebrow raised.

“Okay, yes. I messed up. But that’s when I realized I wanted to start a new Hawthorne tradition. Something that shows we care about the community. Something that expresses how much I care about you.

“Sloane, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, inside and out. I never imagined meeting someone with your generosity of spirit. You remind me of the goodness in people and in myself. Yet, you're not a pushover by any means. In fact, your stubbornness rivals my own. Except, where I’ve used my hardheadedness to make more money, you dig in your heels to take care of the people and animals that you love.”

Tears roll down her cheeks. I think I see a tiny flicker of hope in her eyes. Time to put all my cards on the table.

“I’m falling in love with you, Sloane. I know I hurt you, and I probably don’t deserve you. But I promise, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

She lifts her hand, gently cupping my cheek with her palm. One touch is all it takes for me to lose it. I cover her hand with my own, making sure to keep contact. At the same time, I lean forward, stealing a kiss from her plump, pink lips.

Moisture still pools in her eyes, and her lips begin to smile.

“Max,” she whispers.

“Yes, angel?”

“How much did you give Penny for the kittens?”

Her eyes sparkle with mischief and the tension in my shoulders disappears. Unexpectedly, I find myself laughing out loud with relief.

“More than I expected, but less than they were worth.” I grumble, but I can’t hide my wide grin. “I was happy to pay it, Sloane. I needed to offer some restitution. Besides, I’m falling in love with those kittens, just like I’m falling in love with you.”

This time, Sloane leans forward to kiss me. Her lips gently resting against mine, like a gift from heaven. It takes a sinful man like me to fully appreciate being forgiven. I’ll never take it, or her, for granted again.

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