Page 19 of Sinful Boss

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Chapter 10


“You seem happy today,” Penny says as soon as I walk in the door. After Max gave me the day off, I decided to put in a few hours at my other happy place, Penny’s Pups. I would have enjoyed spending more time with Max—more time and more orgasms—but he had some work to do.

I grin at her obvious invitation to spill the tea. Instead of giving it to her, I smile coyly and say simply, “I am.”

“I can tell by the smirk on your face that your lips are sealed. Go on, get your happy self to the back and take care of those dogs.” She waves me away with a laugh as I sashay my way to the back room.

I go through my routine, making sure all the animals have fresh food and water and clean cages. I may or may not be humming the entire time and daydreaming about how it felt this morning—not just the sex, though that was amazing, but to open myself up to Max. To allow myself to be vulnerable, to trust someone else so completely. Who knew when I took the job with him as a favor to Liam that I would find the person who could look past my shy exterior and appreciate the woman underneath?

I’m about to take one of the dogs on a walk to work off some pent-up energy—mine, not the dog’s—when I hear a familiar voice in the front room.

“Hello, is Sloane available?”

“Who’s asking?” Leave it to Penny to sass one of the most powerful men in the state.

“If she isn’t here, do me the courtesy of telling me immediately.” That’s definitely my Max. I shiver with pleasure at his stern tone that reminds me of the way the scissors slid across my bare skin, cool and sharp. Making sure the crate is still secure, I return the leash to the hooks on the wall and start down the hall to the front.

“You must be Max. I’ve heard about you.” I can hear the playful teasing in Penny’s voice and already know Max won’t appreciate it. “Aren’t you the guy who donates to nonprofits? We could certainly use a little help around here.”

Dread crawls up my spine as I hear Max’s icy response. “Pardon me?” Shit. He’s gone full uptight professional. That’s a bad sign.

I hurry to the front, trying to stave off a disaster, but knowing I might be too late.

In the reception area, Max stands just inside the front door, looking out of place in his fancy suit against the backdrop of Penny’s shabby-chic decor. Penny shoots me a regretful glance from her spot behind the counter, seeming to have realized she made a mistake.

I walk toward Max with a tentative smile on my face, hands outstretched in front of me. “Max, I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I’m sure you are.” He surveys me with cold, brown eyes. In all the times we’ve been together now, he’s never looked at me like this. Like I’m a wad of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. “It seems I was wrong about you, Ms. Sullivan. You are not unique after all.”

“Wait, Max. Let me explain.”

“Explain what?” If possible his voice gets even colder. “That you’ve deceived me? It’s hardly a surprise. I suspected all along. You’re obviously a deceitful, greedy opportunist. Just like all the others. You aren’t special, Sloane.” His expression twists into a painfully dark smirk. “I have to say, though… I am mildly shocked that you went so far as to fuck me to get your way.”

I barely hear Penny’s gasp over the rush of noise in my ears. Pain and anger fill me in equal measures, fighting each other for speaking rights. Anger wins.

“Get out.” If Max’s voice is ice, mine is fire.

“Don’t presume to tell me what to do. You work for me. You are a paid employee whose entire value is in the services you provide for me.” Frozen flames burn in his eyes. “At least you excelled at cleaning my toilets.”

His words feel like a knife to my heart. I finally put myself out there, and he’s throwing me away without a thought or concern. There’s a reason I’m shy with everyone. There’s a reason I surround myself with animals who will love me unconditionally.

I took a risk opening myself up to Max, and now I’m paying the price. But there’s no way I’ll let him see the pain he’s causing. I have to protect myself that much.

“You’ll have to take care of any services by yourself. I quit.” Spinning on my feet, I walk to the back room with as much dignity as possible. Unfortunately, I’m unable to stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks.

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