Page 10 of Sinful Boss

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Chapter 6


It doesn’t take long for me to pack a bag. Fortunately, my parents are out at dinner so I’m able to avoid a confrontation. I’ll send them a text later tonight. I take a minute to say goodbye to the animals. Rosie the cat gets a cuddle. Magik the guinea pig gets a grape. The dogs get pats on the head.

Max is waiting in the driveway, so I don’t take too long. Plus, there are the kittens waiting for me in his library. I feel like an undercover agent, going across enemy lines to rescue my comrades.

Not that Max is my enemy. In fact, when we were at the library, it felt more like we were friends almost, or at the very least, fighting for the same side. I still don’t know what was so important about our mission. The director, Margaret, was everything you’d want in a librarian—informed, passionate, and responsible. I hope I didn’t contribute to hurting them in some way.

The drive to his estate is quiet. My bag sits in my lap as a barrier, protection against the memory of him pulling me close across the middle console. The tension between us still hasn’t dissolved. We pull up to the front entrance. Oddly, he doesn’t put the car in park. He just keeps his foot on the brake.

“I presume you know where the guest rooms are?” I nod, and he continues. “I’m going out for the evening.”

Hesitantly, I exit the car. Max barely waits for me to shut the passenger door before speeding away. What the hell? Now, I’m stuck here with no car. The ass.

Whatever. I head into the house, put my bag in a guest room on the second floor, and go straight to the library. Once I have a tortoiseshell kitten in my lap, I realize the day couldn’t have gone any better. My gut reaction had been to deny Max when he ordered me to stay in his home, but I’d quickly realized it was the perfect opportunity to take care of the kittens. And also, maybe I’d get to know Max a little better and see past the stone facade he presents to the world.

A sense of relief flows through me and I spend the next hour playing with the kittens.

When I notice them getting tired, I put them back in the cage. It’s getting late and I’m a little hungry. Plus, I’d like to clean up before bed. The guest room I chose is more like a suite. The attached bathroom feels like a spa, everything huge and gleaming. The tub is a dream, and I promptly decide to spoil myself with a long, hot bath after finding something to eat.

In the kitchen, I fix a sandwich and grab a bottle of water. I try not to eat too fast, but that bathtub is calling my name. The only thing that slows me down is looking for Max’s stash of wine. When I can’t find it after five minutes of searching, I give up on the wine and decide to drink something else. If I remember correctly, he has a small bar in his office. Bingo. Moments later, I’m carrying a bottle of expensive scotch into my bathroom.

Shortly thereafter, I’m soaking in the most luxurious bath of my life. The hot water and scotch keep me relaxed and warm. I could stay in this bath for hours. Unfortunately, I don’t know when Max will get home and I want to check on the kittens one more time before I go to sleep.

My fingertips have barely started to wrinkle when I exit paradise. Feeling clean and calm, I put on my comfy pajamas, which consist of just a tank top and thin cotton pants. Bringing the scotch with me, I decide to prolong the evening. The kittens won’t mind if I have another drink.

The kittens are still adorable. The unfinished library is the perfect place to stash them. I brought some toys with me, and one of the tortoiseshell kitties learns how to play fetch. Time after time, I throw a fabric mouse, watching as she runs after it. After a minute of batting it around, she brings it back and drops it at my feet.

I pick her up for a kitten cuddle. “I think we’ll call you Cali, sweet girl. What do you think?” She’s easy to distinguish from her sister because she’s a toe baby, with seven toes on each front paw. She licks my finger and then wiggles out of my arms, heading straight for her toy.

The other tortoiseshell kitten finds me and bats my arm, demanding attention and her own play time. “You look like an Eva.” She turns up the volume on her purr as I run my fingers under her chin.

I hold off on naming the black kitten. She and Paige had a special connection. I’ve always had an instinct when it comes to animals finding their humans, and I’m pretty sure Paige will want to name this little girl herself.

After checking their water and food, and enjoying one last sip of scotch, I head toward Max’s office to return the bottle. The sun has gone down, leaving most of the hallways in shadows. I’m about to place the bottle on the bar when I realize something is different. A lamp is on in the corner. I turn slowly. Maxmillian sits silently in a chair, eyes locked on me.

“I’d been wondering where that disappeared to.” He stands and approaches until he’s looming over me, his features sharp and dangerous in the shadowed room. He reaches around me, taking the bottle from my hand. He doesn’t step back. In fact, he seems to get closer as he uncorks the bottle and takes a swig, his gaze burning into mine the entire time.

“I ran into your brother tonight. We had a chance to catch up. Our conversation was illuminating.” His jovial voice belies the dark intensity of his expression. “Apparently, you took the job as my personal assistant as a ‘favor’ to him. That until he pressed the issue, you didn’t even want to work for me. Is that true? Did you only take this job because your brother asked you to?” Max seems angry. He also seems like he’s already had a bit to drink. So have I. This could be a dangerous combination.

“That’s right,” I reply, hesitant to provoke his temper.

“Brilliant. Just brilliant. Millions of people would die to be in your position, licking my boots to get my approval. But not you. Isn’t that right, Sloane? You’re going to school to be a veterinarian and save all the animals.” The derision in Max’s voice cuts like a knife. He must see the pain in my eyes, because he finally steps back.

I’ve never seen him like this. Like a vicious tiger, Max paces the length of the room, all grace and muscle. He glares at me, hints of gold reflected in his fiery brown eyes. He’s absolutely captivating, fury and power in motion.

Even though it scares the dickens out of me, my body responds to his strength and heat gathers in my core. That’s when I notice the top buttons of his shirt are undone and his sleeves are rolled up, exposing tanned skin over firm muscles. His five o’clock shadow gives him a sinful appearance that makes me want to get on my knees and beg him to release his passion onto me.

“You have no ulterior motives.” My skin flushes and my mouth dries as he stops in front of me. The gravelly tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine.

“Well, no.” My eyes flick from his lips to his eyes and back again. “Liam asked me to do it. He’s my brother and his friend needed some help.”

“And you cleaned the toilets, not for the money. Not for the connections.” He resumes his pacing while eyeing me with suspicion. “You showed up today only because I requested your presence and you are fulfilling the responsibilities of your employment.”

“I’m not sure what you’re implying.” Actually, I’m pretty sure I know exactly what he’s saying, but I’m giving him an out. God knows why. “I’m here because I said I’d do the job. I cleaned the toilets because you told me to—at least that first day. If you’d given me those orders again, I’d have turned and walked away. But you must have known that, because on Tuesday you gave me new responsibilities.”

His eyes search mine, fierce and intense. Like he’s trying to uncover any truths that I might be concealing. All that cynicism, wrapped up in such a beautiful man. It turns me on and makes me tired at the same time.

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