Page 3 of Library Love

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“I’m here with Tootsie. She works at the Fairview library. She found something, came to me with it, and we both wondered if you could tell us more about it.”

“The library, you say?” We both make confirming noises, but he barely seems to need it. He’s already speaking again in a wistful tone. “I have such memories of that place—good and bad. Did she find a letter in a poetry book?”

“Yes, I did,” she answers.

I’m curious now that he’s confirmed it belongs to him. “Who were you writing to? Grandma?”

“Yes, I was writing to your grandmother.” His voice settles into a story-telling cadence. “Back then in Fairview, the Murrays were looked down on. We didn’t have much money and we came from the wrong side of the tracks. On the other hand, your grandmother’s family was well off. When we met, it was love at first sight for both of us. But we knew her family wouldn’t let me court her. Fairview was even smaller then, and there were very few ways for us to communicate privately. So I came up with the idea of corresponding by leaving notes for each other in a book of love poems in the library.”

While my grandfather continues with his story, I glance over at Tootsie. She looks like she’s going to swoon with the romance of it all. Suddenly, I wish I was the one to put that look on her face.

“...and that’s the story of how your grandmother and I met and fell in love,” he finishes.

“Oh my heavens. That’s so romantic, Mr. Murray. Thank you for sharing it with me,” Tootsie gushes. “Would you like the letter back?”

“That’d be swell, young lady. My wife would love to see it, and the timing is right with Valentine’s Day around the corner.”

“I’ll leave it here with Roger, if that’s alright.” She looks at me for confirmation and I nod. “This whole experience just made my Valentine’s Day. I can’t tell you how much I love a ‘happily ever after.’”

“Thanks, Gramps.” I start wrapping up the call. “I’ll call you later after I’ve looked at that Thunderbird. Love you.”

“Love you too, Roger boy.”

I hang up.

Tootsie stares at me wide-eyed, a smile growing on her face. “This is the best day ever.”

I feel my own smile grow in response to her exuberance. Her lips look so lush and sweet. A deep sense of sureness sinks into my chest. I want to kiss her, just to discover what joy tastes like. I want to be the one who makes her smile every day. This woman is perfect for me, and I’m determined to make her mine.

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